The market has been fluctuating these days, making it hard to predict.

Countless people racked their brains to predict the market. Thirteen also spent quite a while today collecting a lot of information, watching the market, looking for news, and listening to the speeches of bigwigs, but in the end he was unable to come to a satisfactory conclusion.

In fact, as a retail investor, you hope that someone can tell you in advance whether the market will rise or fall tomorrow, but no one in this market can do that.

​The most critical point in the current market is where the bottom is?

Is it 59000 or 55000​? Or is it 52000​?

No one knows, but one thing is certain, the space we are in now should belong to the bottom range.

Therefore, everyone should hold on to the chips worth around 60,000 and never throw them away easily.

This is the key to your profits in this bull market.

The short-term market situation still depends on the key position of 64,000. Can it hold firm?

The price has been jumping around this point for the past few days, and many friends are frightened. As long as you can do a good job of position risk control, this fluctuation can be completely ignored.

Even if Bitcoin falls back to 55,000, we can accept it calmly.


In the short-term market, the risks we face recently are still relatively large.

As mentioned in yesterday’s article, the positive impact of this round of price increases did not meet our expectations.

Now the positive factors have basically been digested, and the capital inflow of the nine ETF institutions has also begun to slow down.

That is to say, the market has still not recovered from the decline.

Therefore, when the price was 64,000, Thirteen had already asked everyone to free up their short-term positions, and we started a new round of bottom-fishing when the price was below 62,000.

The specific ideas have been clearly stated in yesterday’s article.

However, this is only a short-term market situation. In the medium and long term, we are at the bottom range of this bull market, and we should cherish the good times now.

Just like when Bitcoin fluctuated between 15,000 and 20,000, I told everyone in countless articles to cherish Bitcoin below 20,000.

Looking back now, I may never see Bitcoin at this price again in my lifetime.

Even in the next bear market, the bottom range of Bitcoin is estimated to be above 50,000.

So is May bullish or bearish? Thirteen still maintains the viewpoint of yesterday's article, and there is a high probability that there will be a small market this month.


However, the Ethereum ETF has been postponed by the SEC.

This favorable hype expectation has also come to an end, and the Ethereum system will no longer have this hype expectation.

The next review will be on July 5th.

Don’t think that Ethereum will fall next. Even if there are good news, Ethereum has never risen, as if it has become an abandoned place in the currency circle.

Thirteen likes this kind of obviously high-quality investment target. The price has been sluggish, the market has not paid attention to it, the investment risk is low, the future return is high, and it gives me enough time to slowly build a position.

As long as Ethereum is below 3,000, Thirteen will increase his holdings. I firmly believe that Ethereum will reach 9,000 by 2024.

This post is made as evidence!

Ethereum has faced a lot of controversy recently. The CFTC believes that it should be classified as a commodity, while the SEC believes that it is a security.

Once it is determined to be a commodity, CETC will have the power to regulate Ethereum and can find reasons to fleece Ethereum at any time and impose fines under various pretexts.

The same is true for the SEC. Once Ethereum is identified as a security, it has the power to regulate it and can make profits at any time.

They all have bad intentions.

The situation facing Ethereum is still relatively complicated. In this round of market conditions, the price has not been able to go up.

But, in the long run, we should maintain confidence in Ethereum.

Even GBTC, the biggest short seller in this round, believes that the cryptocurrency market will usher in a huge uptrend in the next six months.

The most important thing now is to buy a ticket and get on the bus, rather than getting off and waiting.

Don't try to make profits through short-term arbitrage. If you keep trying, you will get killed.


In this round of market, Bitcoin rose from 15,000 to 73,000, and is currently correcting from its high point to now.

The market conditions during this period can be regarded as the entire market.

What will happen after the whole market? Fall? The possibility is very small.

According to the wave theory, there may be an explosion of 50,000 amplitude next.

This means that Bitcoin may soar to around 110,000 in the next six months.

I hope everyone can take a long-term view and not be confused by the current ups and downs.

After being trapped, some friends began to lose their mentality and made frantic operations, trying to recover their losses with their own intelligence.

Don’t say that you are a novice investor. Even the big investors in the cryptocurrency circle don’t dare to operate as crazy as you do, because the only solution to crazy operations is a dead end.

There is absolutely no hope of survival.

Everyone must recognize their own position and never think of themselves as Buffett. Even Buffett would not dare to do so.

Recently, many people have come out to mislead the public, saying that the era of long-term planning is gone and there is no profit to be made, and the only way out is through short-term arbitrage.

This is pure nonsense, don't believe it.


Nvidia will release its financial report on May 22.

Following the impressive financial reports of Google, Facebook and others, there is no doubt that Nvidia’s financial report will be even more impressive.

The AI ​​track will usher in another big market trend. We have started to deploy related leading currencies in the thirteenth round. Friends who have not yet deployed should complete the deployment in the next few days.

Of course, you must control your position well and avoid overweighting.

For example, you can pay attention to currencies such as akrm, rndr, ai, etc.

In fact, Thirteen still hopes that the market will have another correction, giving us the opportunity to pick up bargain chips.

It depends on whether the market will pull back to around 55,000 again.

Although the probability of this happening is very low, everyone must be prepared for it.

In the cryptocurrency world, you can only make money if you are alive.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the mundane affairs of the cryptocurrency world.