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I had lunch with my colleague at noon and talked about the cryptocurrency market (my colleague is also a cryptocurrency friend, a young man born in 1999, who entered the cryptocurrency circle in 2021 and played spot and contracts). He especially wanted to make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle because he often heard stories of getting rich in the cryptocurrency circle, so he often went all-in when speculating in cryptocurrency. Yesterday, a friend shared the exchange rate ratio of BTC/ETH with me to evaluate when the real bull market will start, so I shared this with my young colleague today It’s the best time to layout now (remember to speculate in new coins, not old ones) Layout and pay attention to several sectors L1: Sol Sui Saga Tia and other new public chains meme: Pepe Bome Bonk, etc. gamefi: There are not too many game coins newly launched in this cycle, and more attention needs to be paid Others: For example, ENA pays attention to some new currencies newly launched by major exchanges, pays attention to the circulation volume, locked volume, release frequency, and community activity to decide at what point to buy, etc. In general, cryptocurrency trading requires time and energy to understand and pay attention to, requires patience, and requires more communication and interaction with the coins to synchronize multi-dimensional information. $SOL $ENA $PEPE

I had lunch with my colleague at noon and talked about the cryptocurrency market (my colleague is also a cryptocurrency friend, a young man born in 1999, who entered the cryptocurrency circle in 2021 and played spot and contracts). He especially wanted to make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle because he often heard stories of getting rich in the cryptocurrency circle, so he often went all-in when speculating in cryptocurrency.

Yesterday, a friend shared the exchange rate ratio of BTC/ETH with me to evaluate when the real bull market will start, so I shared this with my young colleague today

It’s the best time to layout now (remember to speculate in new coins, not old ones) Layout and pay attention to several sectors

L1: Sol Sui Saga Tia and other new public chains

meme: Pepe Bome Bonk, etc.

gamefi: There are not too many game coins newly launched in this cycle, and more attention needs to be paid

Others: For example, ENA pays attention to some new currencies newly launched by major exchanges, pays attention to the circulation volume, locked volume, release frequency, and community activity to decide at what point to buy, etc.

In general, cryptocurrency trading requires time and energy to understand and pay attention to, requires patience, and requires more communication and interaction with the coins to synchronize multi-dimensional information. $SOL $ENA $PEPE

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转 一个币友的自述: 当我们选择Web3作为以后发展的领域时,如何在这个领域里更好的立足? 分享一下综合的看法: 不要抱着炒币的心态进入这个圈子。这个行业看着赚钱的机会很多,但其实没那么多。以前听说过一种说法,这个领域赚钱是有金字塔模式的,第一是攒局做项目或做盘子;第二是做VC投资;第三是做套利和量化策略的trader;第四就是经过投研做投资;第五是囤币。我自己的体会是,那些经常炒币的参与者未必会有很高的收益率,反而是做套利和量化策略的trader以及傻傻囤主流币的投资者会有一个稳定的收益率。前者是因为有专业的能力,后者则是相信比特币这样的主流币具备穿越牛熊周期的长期价值。所以,在Web3里,对于大多数人来说,拥有一个持续稳定的收益率要远远优于经常性炒币去搏一个高风险高收益。 以最大的善意去揣度人。Web3是一个相对鱼龙混杂的领域,由于每个人进场的目的不尽相同,也由于很多的交流和协作是基于虚拟线上的方式,所以对人或项目的信任成本相对较高。如果你已经找到了一个长期可以一起共事的团队,那么恭喜你,你很幸运。如果你还没找到,那没关系,在和不同人交流和尝试的过程中,尽管会遭遇一些失望,但在这样的经历中会找到和你志同道合的伙伴一起做点事。越是在流动性大、信任成本高的领域,越是应该以最大的善意去揣度人。 Do Your Own Research。这是Web3里流传最广的一句话,是大家公认的非常有价值的建议。因为这个领域有各式各样的人、言论、观点以及信息,当我们以最大的善意去揣度人的时候,也越需要在眼花缭乱的环境中形成自己独立的思考和判断,从而形成自己的思维模式和专业的投资方法论。请记住,不要被情绪绑架,不要被别人的CX绑架,一切都需要DYOR。
转 一个币友的自述 我最先听说和参与区块链差不多是在2017年末、2018年初。那会我在互联网大厂工作,得益于互联网大厂在业务上率先尝试新技术的先天优势以及相对浓郁的程序员氛围,因此让我有机会比较早接触区块链。当时,我常和一帮程序员朋友混在一起,听他们说的最多话题就是:“比特币”、“挖矿”、“ICO”、“空气币”等。 我并不是技术背景出身,所以当时他们说的内容对我来说完全是一头雾水。但因为我是做内容出身,我的直觉告诉我区块链是一种很不一样的技术。 所以,我开始去看比特币白皮书和以太坊白皮书。我记得很清楚,有一个晚上我看了10遍比特币英文版白皮书愣是没看懂,我就只记住了一个标题:《Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》,这个标题就这样深深刻在了我的脑海里,我的直观感受就是三个字:太牛了! 这便是一切的开始。或者套用现在网络上比较流行的用语:命运的齿轮开始转动。 有意思的是,尽管我是从比特币开始了解区块链,但我却是听信朋友的建议从玩空气币开始的,结果可想而知,没有逃脱韭菜的命运。 所以那个时候,我对待区块链的态度是很矛盾的。 一方面,我和很多人一样认为这是一种新的割韭菜的骗局 — — 事实上,放在那个时候来看,确实是有这样的情况存在; 另一方面,我又觉得至少比特币的理念是非常新的,预示着未来的某种可能性。 往后的2019年-2020年,我并没有太多参与这个行业,只是作为一个学习者和观察者在了解这个行业的发展。直到现在,我也依然觉得“学习者”和“观察者”是最适合自己的标签。

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