Buffett's shareholder meeting summary: Ten dry goods

01. Talking about reducing Apple holdings: It will still be the company's largest investment

02. Talking about artificial intelligence: The development of AI makes me nervous

03. Talking about new energy vehicles: The final winner will not be decided now

04. Talking about autonomous driving: It is not good for insurance companies

05. Talking about railway investment: It is still very important for a country

06. Talking about overseas investment: The main investment will still focus on the United States

07. Talking about investment in China: Investing in BYD is right

08. Talking about succession plan: The decision on capital allocation will belong to Abel

09. Talking about cash reserves: It reached 200 billion US dollars at the end of June, and there are no attractive enough investment targets now

10. Talking about Munger: The time spent together is happier

Towards the end, Mr. Buffett suggested that everyone find something they are good at and love. It doesn't have to be related to money, but you can choose kindness, so that the world will become a better place. #BTC