On Tuesday, the first wave of short selling. Short at the current price of 64100, sell at 63200, and win more than 800 points in the short term.

Bitcoin has maintained a strong and volatile trend in the morning, but the short-term breakthrough touched the 64500 line and failed to stabilize. It is still in the callback cycle. The current price rebound speed is relatively slow. There is a possibility of another decline during the day. The support below focuses on the four-hour middle track position of 63000. The support or resistance position will bring a certain break range. You can follow up and grasp the short-term profit.

Tuesday operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: Short-term rebound around 64000-64500, short, target 63000-62000.

Ether: Just follow the synchronous thinking, lock the point, and take good defense!

Cognition is your wealth, choice is more important than hard work, those who understand will understand! #BTC #ETH #大盘走势