This week, reports for the first quarter of 2024 will continue in the United States; there are important ones for the crypto market. Analysis and visualization from #EarningsWhispers.

Important, but rather symbolically - today, after the close of trading - the report of the BTC maximalist company #MicroStrategy. It is important symbolically, because the company announces its#BTCpurchases before quarterly reports. Surprises are unlikely to await us. Although the report is better or worse than the forecast and can “shake” the market at the moment. But in general - unlikely. As a reminder, MicroStrategy currently has 214,246 BTC on its public balance sheet.

In general, this week’s reports that are important for the crypto market are:

- April 29, before trading opens: #FranklinTempleton. Until the spring of 2023, this investment fund was not particularly interesting, but on March 24, 2023, they entered into a partnership with the#Stellar(#XLM) blockchain, and then the fund even became the issuer of one of the spot Bitcoin ETFs (and applied for the spot Ethereum ETF). The report has already been released, but it has not affected the market in any way. Their ETF is not of the scale to attract attention.

- April 29, after trading close: #MicroStrategy. For some reason, Earnings Whispers didn't include the company in their infographic. They need to listen to#Benchmarkand make an effort to get into the S&P 500 😁.

- April 30, before trading opens: #PayPal. A payment giant that actively entered the crypto market in 2022-2023:

-- enabled the ability to store cryptocurrencies,

-- announced preparations for the launch of its crypto hub,

-- launched its own stablecoin #PYUSD,

-- announced the launch of a cryptocurrency-to-fiat conversion function.

- April 30, after trading close: #Amazon. The world's largest company in the markets of e-commerce platforms and public cloud computing. Using the hashtag, you can find a lot of news about the corporation’s partnership with blockchain companies.

- April 30, after trading close: #AMD. One of the largest manufacturers of central processors and graphics processors. This is about mining equipment. And it is in the context of this issue that their report is interesting. But it’s unlikely that anything interesting will happen.

- May 1, before the opening of trading: #Mastercard. Payment giant. Shows great interest in blockchain technologies for money transfers, issues cards in partnership with crypto exchanges. Using the hashtag you can find a lot of news about partnerships with blockchain companies and crypto market players.

- May 2, after trading close: #Apple. From time to time, the name Apple will appear in mentions of news on crypto projects. Most often due to the desire of this giant to take a percentage of NFT sales through applications in the AppStore. BTC maximalists are all waiting for the company to announce investments in the main cryptocurrency, but there is no reason to find this in the new report yet. In addition, this tech giant occupies an important place in the S&P 500 and #NASDAQ. The correlation with#BTCremains.

- May 2, after trading close: #Coinbase. Everything is clear here, the top US crypto exchange. And with their indicators, everything will probably be very optimistic. In a bull market.

- May 2, after trading close:#Block(formerly #Square). The company of former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Focused on the topic of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Fintech, payment system.

- May 3, before the opening of trading: #Cboe. Chicago options exchange, working on cryptocurrency ETFs both independently and with#Coinbaseand other market players. It has become one of the platforms for trading spot Bitcoin ETFs.

Any positive news on cryptocurrencies in any of the reports (ideally, buying spot Bitcoin ETFs on your balance) could cause BTC to rise. Negative ones, accordingly, can dump the market. The situation on the market is shaky, from the “give me a reason” category.