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Bitcoin has reached 60,000-70,000 US dollars per coin. Will anyone still think that Bitcoin is a scam? In the Ming Dynasty, there was a wealthy businessman named Xiaolin who liked to collect jewelry and jade. One day, Xiaolin bought a jade plate from a jeweler at a high price. As a result, within two days of buying it, he found that the jade plate was a fake. How did he find out? For collectibles such as jade plates, there is a very special way to test it. That is, drop water on the jade plate. If the water drops can spread like pearls, then the jade plate is most likely real, but if the water drops become a pool, it is fake. Xiaolin's jade plate can't do the dripping ball rolling, he was very painful, but he didn't want to admit it. After all, it cost a lot to buy this. So he thought of a way to coat the jade plate with a layer of oil film. After the oil film is on the jade plate, it can achieve the effect of dripping water and rolling balls. Relying on this little trick, Xiaolin successfully sold the jade plate. But what happened next gradually began to exceed Xiaolin's expectations. Because the jade plate itself was in good condition, Xiaolin was fooled at that time. In addition, Xiaolin was also very famous in the cultural and art circle. As a result, the jade plate, with Xiaolin's endorsement, was circulated very well in the circle of rich people, traded frequently, and the price was hyped up. At the same time, with repeated inspections, the oil film on the jade plate became thinner and thinner. When the oil film broke completely one day, whoever had the jade plate would be the final victim. Of course, there was also a special nickname for this person - the receiver (leek). Seeing this, everyone may be confused. Did no one really see Xiaolin's trick? How could it be traded so many times? To be honest, none of those rich people are really stupid. They are all smart. Why do the rich people pretend to be confused when they know the truth? The reason is very simple. They don't care whether the jade plate itself is real or fake. They just want to be able to sell the jade plate in their hands and make money. This is the most important thing. --《Dripping Water Rolling Ball Game》 Want to know more sharp operation strategies? Which potential coins to ambush in advance? Hurry up and contact Caishen through the homepage, and the exclusive bull market strategy deployment will be shared only with my fans for free!Seize this bull market, let your wealth soar like a rocket, and become a winner in life! #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #比特币减半 #BTC

Bitcoin has reached 60,000-70,000 US dollars per coin. Will anyone still think that Bitcoin is a scam?

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a wealthy businessman named Xiaolin who liked to collect jewelry and jade. One day, Xiaolin bought a jade plate from a jeweler at a high price. As a result, within two days of buying it, he found that the jade plate was a fake. How did he find out?

For collectibles such as jade plates, there is a very special way to test it. That is, drop water on the jade plate. If the water drops can spread like pearls, then the jade plate is most likely real, but if the water drops become a pool, it is fake.

Xiaolin's jade plate can't do the dripping ball rolling, he was very painful, but he didn't want to admit it. After all, it cost a lot to buy this. So he thought of a way to coat the jade plate with a layer of oil film. After the oil film is on the jade plate, it can achieve the effect of dripping water and rolling balls.

Relying on this little trick, Xiaolin successfully sold the jade plate. But what happened next gradually began to exceed Xiaolin's expectations.

Because the jade plate itself was in good condition, Xiaolin was fooled at that time. In addition, Xiaolin was also very famous in the cultural and art circle. As a result, the jade plate, with Xiaolin's endorsement, was circulated very well in the circle of rich people, traded frequently, and the price was hyped up. At the same time, with repeated inspections, the oil film on the jade plate became thinner and thinner.

When the oil film broke completely one day, whoever had the jade plate would be the final victim. Of course, there was also a special nickname for this person - the receiver (leek).

Seeing this, everyone may be confused. Did no one really see Xiaolin's trick? How could it be traded so many times? To be honest, none of those rich people are really stupid. They are all smart.

Why do the rich people pretend to be confused when they know the truth? The reason is very simple. They don't care whether the jade plate itself is real or fake. They just want to be able to sell the jade plate in their hands and make money. This is the most important thing.

--《Dripping Water Rolling Ball Game》

Want to know more sharp operation strategies? Which potential coins to ambush in advance? Hurry up and contact Caishen through the homepage, and the exclusive bull market strategy deployment will be shared only with my fans for free!Seize this bull market, let your wealth soar like a rocket, and become a winner in life!

#新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #比特币减半 #BTC

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前期炒币一直亏!还好这些年经验足了慢慢赚了回来!这些年摸爬滚打我总结了7条铁律,都是实打实的干货,你要是觉得没道理,你来骂我! 1️⃣ 炒币智慧,学会顺势而为。不必急于求成,让时间证明价值。关注84日均线,它的上扬或许预示着主升浪的来临。 2️⃣ 资金管理,炒币之根本。切莫孤注一掷,合理分配你的资金,每次只投入一部分,这样即使失败,损失也在可控范围内。 3️⃣ MACD助力,洞察市场先机。当DIF和DEA在0轴上方形成金叉,或许正是你入场的良机;反之,若两线向下穿越,则需谨慎减仓。 4️⃣ 趋势为王,炒币之精髓。选择那些持续上涨的币种,跟随趋势,让你的收益稳步上升。而短期的暴涨暴跌,往往伴随着高风险。 5️⃣ 补仓需谨慎,盈利再加仓。当市场回调时,不要轻易补仓,以免陷入更深的泥潭。而当你盈利时,适当加仓,或许能进一步扩大收益。 6️⃣ 量价指标,炒币之利器。关注成交量与价格的关系,低位放量突破时果断买入,高位放量滞涨时及时卖出。 7️⃣ 复盘是习惯,赚钱有保障。每周定期复盘,检查自己的投资策略是否有效,及时调整方向,确保你的炒币之路越走越宽广。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过主页来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC下跌分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH
为什么别玩合约,看看币圈真实惨案! 2021年那波牛市行情,我有个哥们砸进去70多万,转眼就赚了五百多万。那时候他买啥啥涨,感觉钱都不够用。后来他还开了合约账户,学完以后更是赚得飞起,开心得不得了。 有一天他突然问我有没有啥好币可以投,还说小币种他投起来不方便。我一听,心里就咯噔一下,问他哪儿来这么多钱。他告诉我,是融资的,五倍杠杆,利息还不低,还要提前扣一个月。 我当时就担心他这样搞会不会出问题,他倒挺自信,说是通过证券那边熟人介绍的,绝对安全。可我已经觉得那波行情快结束了,连着三天劝他清掉合约账户,可他就是不听,觉得不会有啥大问题。 结果啊,就在离519没几天的时候,马斯克突然说不用比特币买车了,然后大饼就跌得稀里哗啦的,一天就跌了34%。其他那些币也跌得很惨,狗币、屎币啥的都跌了50%多、60%多。从那以后我就没再听到他提币圈的事了。后来才知道,他爆仓了,亏了一千八百多万。 那天晚上他哭得撕心裂肺的,还差点想不开。他老婆一晚上都在安慰他,生怕他做出啥傻事来。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过主页来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #ETH #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #非农数据

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