There are only 3 days left before the sale of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs in Hong Kong. The market has been "cloudy" in the past few days.

For most people, it is difficult to start with the rise and fall, and they can only passively choose to ignore their accounts.

It is annoying to watch it. If you watch it too much, you will not be able to control your hands, and you will change positions and do some swing trading.

It is good not to look at the account. Without the ability to understand the market, not operating means reducing mistakes and losses.

There is nothing to say about the details. At this time, you can only pay attention to the macro news.

Recently, I think the most noteworthy thing is: Hong Kong ETF will be online for trading on April 30.

This time node is really accurate, just in time for the big correction in April.

Although the decline of Bitcoin and Ethereum is not large, from the current situation in the currency circle, this time is very sensitive.

The key points are as follows:

First, Hong Kong is the world's first legal government department to launch Ethereum ETFs.

Second, it just experienced a big drop in April.

Third, the Bitcoin halving in April has just ended.

Fourth, V God just attended the web3.0 Global Summit held by the Hong Kong government.

Fifth, the US is in a state of worry both at home and abroad, and the calls for interest rate cuts are increasing significantly

The above points are what I personally think have a great impact on the trend of the currency circle

It may not be very meaningful to look at a single point, but if you connect all of them together for comprehensive analysis

There are many core points that are closely related to us, especially when combined with the market to prove

Maybe many people find it difficult to understand, so I will take a screenshot for everyone to see, and everyone will understand

The US passed the Bitcoin ETF on January 11, and the market at that time was also relatively turbulent

But after experiencing short-term fluctuations, the market finally chose to break the previous high

Of course, this is just a reference. After all, this is a different time, but the essence is the same, both are long-term positive for the currency market

Another key point is that Hong Kong directly approved the Ethereum ETF

This has a first-mover advantage, and it is also the first time in the world that Ethereum ETF has been approved

This move is very unique, directly simplifying the complex process, and I have to admire this clever move

So in the currency circle, you need to pay attention to core data and policy conditions, so that at least you can clarify the future trend

Otherwise, you will be scared every day when playing spot trading, which will make your life, which should be happy, become a mess. You will stay up late every day and your health will get worse and worse. It is not worth it.

I have always thought that it is very simple to do trend market, especially the one-sided market at present. I have a more practical formula to share with you:

If you are trapped and cut your capital at will, you are still afraid of falling more sharply.

Don't forget to protect your capital when you make a profit. Market risks are everywhere.

If you are confused now, don't know what currency to buy, and don't understand the market, welcome to join the village and follow May to operate #VTHO #BOME #BIFI $SOL $PEPE