#新币挖矿 #Megadrop $BTC $ETH $BNB Let's talk about the first megadrop project. One is the regular staking of bnb that everyone knows, which earns points and finally earns tokens from the points. Another way to earn points is to complete the tasks of the web3 wallet. This task is very simple. Buy 10u of btc and then transfer it to your web3 wallet through the bsc chain. After the account is entered, enter the interface, see Figure 1, click deposit, and then go back and click verification to show that the task is completed. This should be the simplest web3 wallet task. The specific income is currently unknown, but it will definitely not be a loss, because you are staking and you can also unstake it. In fact, the cost is about 1u. Remember, for users who have deposited regular staking, this task is very critical. See Figure 3, it will increase your points by 1.5 times and get an additional 1,000 points.