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"Is Satoshi Nakamoto real? Maybe he is Musk?"

The eternal mystery

In fact, there have been rumors since 2017 that Musk is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Let’s look at the timeline:

After the global financial crisis broke out in 2008, someone published a paper using the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto" to explain the concept of Bitcoin.

Musk experienced some important moments and challenges in 2008. First, he successfully launched SpaceX's Falcon 1 rocket into orbit that year. Previously, SpaceX failed to successfully launch the Falcon 1 rocket in 2006, but after unremitting efforts, it finally achieved this goal in 2008.

At the same time, 2008 was also a critical period for Tesla. Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy this year, and Musk even had to borrow money to pay the rent. He sold his shares in PayPal to eBay this year and received $180 million. However, he did not use the funds for his personal luxury life, but invested them in his three new companies: Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity.

So some people say that Musk worked hard on the edge of bankruptcy. Ether's intelligence must have been in the great financial crisis at that time. He saw through the drawbacks of traditional finance, so he used his advanced brain to create the virtual currency Bitcoin. Since then, Musk and Tesla have also made great strides with the help of Bitcoin!

It seems reasonable.

If there are people in the world who have advanced human consciousness now, then Musk must be among them.

When everyone was still thinking about how to better rule mankind, Musk was thinking about how to lead mankind out of the earth and become a multi-planet civilization before the Third World War. (Really great)

However, Musk denied these rumors.

Musk is one of the supporters of cryptocurrency. He particularly likes Dogecoin, and some Tesla peripherals also accept Dogecoin as a payment method.

Of course, if you understand Bitcoin, you will find that it is a perfect logical chain, which cannot be created overnight. It requires not only superb programming technology, but also the creation of a virtual world with reasonable logic and clear logic, the power to create gods!

So I think that as a capital boss, Musk does not have the programming ability, and even if he does, he does not have the time to do it.

In this regard, Nicholas commented:

You think he is a god, but he is not. He is not even as good as Mou Zonghong. Satoshi Nakamoto is not a person but a team. There may be a national team behind them. As for which country's national team it is, you can only guess. The perfection of BTC cannot be achieved by a few people.

So who could Satoshi Nakamoto be?

1. Although most people suspected of being Satoshi Nakamoto have denied it, Australian computer scientist Craig Wright claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto many years ago.

He reportedly wrote in a 2016 blog post that he was the real Satoshi Nakamoto and had evidence to support his claim.

2、Nick Szabo

Some people, including Musk himself, have previously believed that computer scientist Nick Szabo is the real Satoshi Nakamoto. When asked about his opinion on the identity of Nakamoto, Musk replied: "You can look at the evolution of ideas before Bitcoin was launched and see who wrote them."

He said that while he “obviously” didn’t know who created Bitcoin, Szabo’s theories appeared to be crucial to the creation of the leading cryptocurrency.

Nick Szabo is a computer engineer and legal scholar. He coined the concept of smart contracts in a 1996 paper. In 2008, he proposed the concept of decentralized currency and published a paper on bit gold. He is considered a pioneer of Bitcoin. He is also a man who famously used pseudonyms starting in the 1990s. But Nick Szabo did not admit that he was Satoshi Nakamoto.

2. Tariyasu Nakamoto

In March 2014, Newsweek claimed that Dorian Nakamoto was Satoshi Nakamoto. Dorian graduated from Caltech with a degree in physics and worked on classified defense projects.

The reason given by Newsweek is: There are some similarities between Satoshi Nakamoto and Dorian Nakamoto. For example, both men are said to share liberal leanings and Japanese traditions. And when Dorian Nakamoto answered a reporter’s question about Bitcoin, he seemed to acknowledge his identity as the father of Bitcoin: “I am no longer involved in it and cannot discuss it. It has been handed over. To others. They are in charge now. "But later Dorian Nakamoto said that he just misheard the reporter's question and thought that the reporter was asking about confidential work related to the military.

Moreover, Satoshi Nakamoto left a message on the forum that day saying: "I am not Dorian Nakamoto."

Satoshi Nakamoto leaves a message denying that he is Dorian Nakamoto

However, so far, Dorian Nakamoto’s image is still often used as the image of Satoshi Nakamoto, and some teams have even used his image to issue NFTs.

Dorian Nakamoto 多里安·中本

4. Shinichi Mochizuki

In May 2013, there were reports that Mochizuki Shinichi might be Satoshi Nakamoto. However, some people hold objections, because Mochizuki is a pure mathematician, and the technical foundation cryptography on which Bitcoin relies is quite different. And Satoshi Nakamoto himself may not be Japanese. Later, Mochizuki Shinichi himself denied this speculation.

5. Alliance of four major companies

Musk shared an image suggesting that the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto is just a combination of the first letters of four famous electronics companies: "Sa" comes from Samsung, "Toshi" comes from Toshiba, "Naka" comes from Nakamichi, and "Moto" comes from Motorola.

Satoshi Nakamoto is also possible, Satoshi Nakamoto is the name of a group consortium of four large companies:

  • Samsung

  • Toshiba

  • Nakamichi

  • Motorola Motorola

The first few letters of the names of the four companies form the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, but this has not been confirmed by the four companies.

Of course, it is also possible that behind Satoshi Nakamoto is a country or an ancient capital organization, because such a perfect and complex thing is really not something that can be achieved by individual ability.

You can imagine that compared with other traditional finances such as stocks, the blockchain has only been around for more than a decade and is as immature as a baby.

The concept of blockchain, coupled with the upcoming era of big data, can be said to be the trend of the future. Its growth potential is unlimited, and the value of the three words "Satoshi Nakamoto" will be immeasurable!

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