
To grasp the market, look here. CPI data instantly raised Bitcoin by 66,000. What will happen next?

Wall Street is generally optimistic, but retail investors have begun to short sell. Once you understand the factors behind this, you will not hesitate any more!

First of all, since the last CPI data was very negative, BTC dropped from 7w to 5.8, most people are in a low mood, and even have doubts about whether the bull market is still there, and the flow of funds in the market has been greatly reduced.

The day before yesterday, Fed Chairman Powell played Tai Chi, first warming us up that inflation is still high, and we are still waiting for the opportunity to cut interest rates.

This sentence itself is negative, but it is also in line with everyone's expectations. With the support of institutions, the market did not fall much.

Then there is today's CPI announcement. I don't know where you see the bearish view.

I posted it before. In order to save Japan and alleviate stagflation, the Americans have been taking various measures, especially starting from the most serious housing,

so after a month, there will definitely be results.

It's very simple. They dare not release negative news again, otherwise the US debt will not be able to be saved.

CPI is positive as expected.

For the currency circle, the biggest positive is to get accurate information about the interest rate cut. In this way, the interest rate cut is expected to proceed normally in September.

Only if the interest rate can be cut, the bull market will be 100% normal, retail investors will regain confidence, and the market will rise.

But after all, the interest rate has not really been cut, and it will not break the high. So many people are shorting at this time. 赌箜

I want to say: the market will not let most people make money from contracts.

You guessed it right, but you can't beat the institutions standing at the top of big data.

You see the market sentiment right, but you don't guess the means of the institutions. I hope you just lose money, not blow up!

So as a spot party, is it time for us to buy the bottom?

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#PEPE创历史新高 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 #ETFvsBTC

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