The fifth is poverty, the sixth is despair, and the seventh is a turnaround

It is a proverb in the stock market, which describes a market phenomenon.

That is, the stock market may perform poorly in May, the situation may be even worse in June, and then the market may improve in July.

This term originated in the Hong Kong stock market in the 1980s and 1990s and later spread to the A-share market.

Now it has been introduced into the cryptocurrency circle, and the current funding side of the cryptocurrency circle is also in line with international Wall Street. It is likely that there will be some cyclical patterns to follow.

Of course, this statement is not a scientific law, but an empirical summary based on past market performance.

The fundamental reason I have concluded is the financial reporting cycle and the rules of capital flow. May and June are usually the window period for financial reports of listed companies. Market liquidity may become tight due to corporate income tax settlement and bank mid-term assessments, which may lead to poor market performance.

In July, with the implementation of new bank loan quotas and policy dividends, market liquidity will be eased, which may bring about a rebound.

I remember it more clearly

It was the year I first entered the stock market, in July 2014. A-shares started a vigorous leveraged bull market. The Shanghai Composite Index 000001 took almost a year to rise from 2,000 points to 5,178 points. Many small stocks rose dozens of times in this wave of market.

Of course, I really knew nothing at that time, and it was purely by luck that I made my first million in life during that period.

With ups and downs till today, 10 years have passed in a flash. I am certainly not financially free, but I have been cut from a new leek with green sprouts into a real, strong-hearted and emotionally stable old leek.

He has already mastered the fluctuations, rules and cycles of the capital market.

For a newbie who has been struggling in the market for a long time, 10 years is a test of his spirit, will and soul.

If it weren’t for my passion for this industry, I wouldn’t have been able to stick with it until now.

Only passion and interest can drive a person to persevere during a time when there is no wealth effect and most of the transactions are ineffective.

Look at the pace of Bitcoin at this time last year.

I believe that you were also extremely tormented in the market at that time.

Smooth out all your edges

If you are poor and desperate, you still have time to polish your skills...

The best method now is to do partial trading in waves. This volatile market will continue until Bitcoin breaks through.

The market is always with you. When you are desperate and sell at a loss, the market will come.

Just look at the oil investment income, the annual income has dropped from 13.7 to about 3% now.

Many funds in short positions have chosen current account financial management

More short positions are actually a good thing!

This is the fuel for the bull market.

Future bulls,

Now is the time to strengthen your faith

Don't cut yourself

The dealer also looks at the overall market, and will only follow if the overall market pulls them up.

This way you can fish in troubled waters and sell more chips

Control your position now and keep room for maneuver

Nothing to do in the wild

Exercise exercise feeling

Without the money-making effect, MEME coins usually perform better.

The recent Ethereum ecosystem is still worth paying attention to~

The big whales on the chain are all hoarding Ethereum, there must be a story or narrative.

After CZ's verdict, the previous agreement with Wall Street may not work anymore.

I don’t know whether the market will correct itself or not, as the direction of the sharp rise is usually unexpected.

During this period, keep an eye on the stocks that have skyrocketed and are dark horses.

Let’s share these today!