Is there any valuable investment in the cryptocurrency world?

I think so, and this is verified by my 7 years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry.

In the cryptocurrency world, only Bitcoin and Ethereum have value investment significance.

Over the past 7 years, only Bitcoin and Ethereum have reached higher and higher lows, and the trend has been spiraling upward.

After experiencing a bull market, thousands of coins have basically returned to zero.

In the cryptocurrency circle, most of the early birds who can enter this circle in the early stages came into this circle because they were involved in a certain Ponzi scheme project or CX project.

The real regular army, traditional financial investment institutions or individuals, have also accelerated their influx into this circle with the passage of Bitcoin ETF in the past two years.

Traditional financial investment mainly believes in value investors represented by Buffett.

Buffett's value investing goal is to buy good industries and good companies at extremely low prices and hold them for a long time to earn profits from the company's growth.

If you use this investment philosophy to invest in the cryptocurrency circle, especially altcoins, you may suffer a big loss!

Because the cryptocurrency world is just a zero-sum game

None of the projects generate positive cash flow; all of them are just hype concepts and gaming emotions.

What the cryptocurrency circle believes in is popularity and narrative. As long as there are good narratives and concepts, the space can be hyped up dozens or hundreds of times.

Take the recent crazy market of meme coins as an example. If you don’t break away from the traditional concept of value investment, it will be difficult to participate in it.

Take the ones with the biggest recent gains:

Taking Trump coin as an example, what is hyped is the narrative that Trump supports encrypted digital currency.

In just over a month, the price can increase by more than 200 times

Such a huge increase in such a short period of time is impossible in any traditional investment field.

But in web3, you can encounter such miracles almost every two months.

In the web3 space

The logic behind making money and picking up girls is the same. Both are processes of manipulating human nature. The highest level is to "wait for the wind to come" and let money and girls come to you automatically.

This seemingly simple logic requires years of accumulated experience in order to accurately predict through event-driven thinking which narrative direction can be hyped up.

Then find the coins in this direction to lurk. The method is coin holding address + Twitter attention + the size of the liquidity pool.

Choose the right coins, diversify your layout and wait for the wind to come!

Value investing in the cryptocurrency world is basically garbage, a value trap!

For any project, from issuance to promotion and then to listing on an exchange, every step forward requires making money by selling coins in the market.

Without exception…

If you believe it, or have faith in it, you may be the one who pays the bill in the end!

If there really is an anchoring standard, I believe in cycles. Only cycles are recurring recovery, prosperity, recession, and depression.

Then the next cycle starts...

If you are truly enlightened, break away from the obsession with value investing, let go of all prejudices, and humbly accept new things, new perspectives, and new narratives...

In the cryptocurrency world, money and freedom will be attracted to you.

Let’s share these today!

The spot following of the Little Crocodile Community is on the way... If you have not yet formed a systematic trading method, it is recommended that you use part of the funds to follow the spot orders.

Steps for spot following: Update to the latest version of the app, click Contract, click Follow at the top, select Spot at the top, search for Crocodile Diary, transfer the balance, set the fixed amount for following, and you are done.

Like and follow to get the new password for low-level layout.