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Why is it getting harder to make money in the cryptocurrency world? The cryptocurrency world has been constantly evolving, and the market has become increasingly competitive over time, which may be one reason why it is becoming increasingly difficult to make money. Here are some possible factors: 1. Increased maturity: Over time, the cryptocurrency market has gradually matured and the number of participants has increased, which means that more people have more experience and expertise, and competition has become more intense. 2. Regulation and supervision: More and more countries have begun to regulate the cryptocurrency market, which may increase market uncertainty, limit some investment opportunities, and increase investment risks. 3. Reduced volatility: The volatility of currency prices may not be as large as before, which means that there are fewer opportunities and smaller profit margins for short-term traders. 4. Market saturation: More and more projects and currencies have emerged, the market has become more crowded, and it has become more difficult to choose the right investment targets. 5. Reduced information asymmetry: In the past, some people may have been able to make profits by obtaining information that others could not obtain, but as information becomes more popular and transparent, this has become less and less the case. Whatever the reason, successfully making money in the cryptocurrency world requires more expertise, experience, and patience. #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB #Binance Follow me and I will take you to various insider consultations and wealth codes in the currency circle for free, and take you into the core of blockchain and the road to wealth freedom. In the ups and downs of the current market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities.

Why is it getting harder to make money in the cryptocurrency world?

The cryptocurrency world has been constantly evolving, and the market has become increasingly competitive over time, which may be one reason why it is becoming increasingly difficult to make money. Here are some possible factors:

1. Increased maturity: Over time, the cryptocurrency market has gradually matured and the number of participants has increased, which means that more people have more experience and expertise, and competition has become more intense.

2. Regulation and supervision: More and more countries have begun to regulate the cryptocurrency market, which may increase market uncertainty, limit some investment opportunities, and increase investment risks.

3. Reduced volatility: The volatility of currency prices may not be as large as before, which means that there are fewer opportunities and smaller profit margins for short-term traders.

4. Market saturation: More and more projects and currencies have emerged, the market has become more crowded, and it has become more difficult to choose the right investment targets.

5. Reduced information asymmetry: In the past, some people may have been able to make profits by obtaining information that others could not obtain, but as information becomes more popular and transparent, this has become less and less the case.

Whatever the reason, successfully making money in the cryptocurrency world requires more expertise, experience, and patience. #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB #Binance

Follow me and I will take you to various insider consultations and wealth codes in the currency circle for free, and take you into the core of blockchain and the road to wealth freedom. In the ups and downs of the current market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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今天分享一下如何在币圈5千赚到10万,翻20倍的方法! 一是暴富靠山寨,买中二十倍币; 二是用滚仓的方法,合约滚仓梭哈。 一定要记住的口诀: 暴富靠山寨,牛市不挑食,熊市不信仰 建仓不左侧,先从主流起,顺势换山寨 上涨不加仓,下跌不死拿,断臂不犹豫 布局少而精,心动手不动,只吃三分饱 轻仓出奇迹,赚钱三步走,暴富稳如狗。 一定要明白的事情: 1.币圈同涨同跌,牛市中的上涨不需要价值支撑,只需要一个上涨的理由。 2.不要跟山寨谈信仰,该割肉就割肉。 3.时间是比特币的朋友,但是是山寨币的敌人。 4.山寨的价值根基在于不断创新,一旦创新停滞,价值就会崩溃,比特币的价值根基在于其不变性,被比特币套住一定会有解套那天,但山寨不一定。 5.唯一适合左侧交易的,只有比特币和以太坊,山寨最大的风险是归零。 6.一波牛市的开始,只有 BTC一枝独秀才是健康的,故先建仓大饼以太,涨了不踏空,跌了不怕被套。 7.山寨是没有防守能力的。 8.上涨不加仓,仓位管理很重要,轻仓试探,涨幅后又大幅加仓,这样玩不亏钱都难。 9.比特、以太的仓位不能小于你总仓位的一半。 10.玩山寨要主动踏空,主动卖飞。 11.在一个地方跌倒,换一个地方爬起来。在这里亏钱,换一个地方赚回来。不要在一棵树上吊死。 12.被套后最大的成本是机会成本。 13.玩山寨的核心是要会卖。玩主流的核心是要拿得住。 14.只吃三分饱,鱼头、鱼尾不是那么好吃的,留给庄家要等龙头跑出来后再去吃确定性高的鱼肚。 15.玩山寨一定要轻仓,重仓搞坏心态,心态搞坏操作,骚操作导致赔钱。#比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB #Binance 喜欢现货,屯牛市场的朋友,点击头像关注我,面对粉丝,我的牛市策略布局会无偿分享,只做免费博主,关注我即可领取财富米玛。
币圈的涨跌有多吓人,会吓死人吗?#Luna 拿最经典的luna举例吧,你有10000枚luna,昨天你睡觉的时候价值100万u,一觉睡醒变成70万u了,你说我在币圈混这么久,区区30%回撤,ust才脱锚10%而已,我相信DoKwon,于是又放心大胆的睡觉了。 第二天一觉醒来变成1万u了,这时候你想着都跌了99%了,应该跌无可跌了吧,我现在抄底进去涨到10u就是十倍,美滋滋,于是你砸锅卖铁又凑了20万u抄底了20万枚luna,这时候你睡不着觉了,你时时刻刻盯着他希望他能涨回去,但是就只能眼睁睁看着价格从1到0.1一直到0.000001最后被下架,最终三天时间你的120万u资产就缩水成了一顿早饭钱。你彻底崩溃了。 除了luna外,币圈与传统金融市场有很多不同。 一,7*24小时无休 二,没有涨跌停 三,入场门槛极低 四,滥用杠杆人数极多 五,山寨币涨跌没边 特别第三四五点合起来一晚暴富一晚爆仓再正常不过了。慎用杠杆吧各位,你以为你五倍杠杆已经很低了,殊不知一天超过20%波动的日子每年都有,因为杠杆的原因,越跌就越刹不住车,最终导致连环爆仓。 17年那波牛市的时候,某火平台新上了一个币。 刚上去发行价5毛,没多久就拉到1万 点进去想买看见价格是一秒5000,一秒1万,瞬间秒懂,撤退。 最后,没到几个小时,价格重回5毛。 1万到5毛,只要几小时。 后来,上新闻了,有人贷款100多万全买了这个币,买在高点。 那还剩多少你们自己算吧。最后直接跳楼了。 更离谱的是,因为这个割的太狠了,一堆人去楼下拉横幅。 最后平台扛不住压力,给退钱了。那兄弟也白死了。。 #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB

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