It is true that value investment is in vain, and meme lives in the palace. The most popular boy in the rebound in the past two days is meme coin, especially the new ones in this round, and the old meme bonk pepe is also okay. I was determined to chase bank before going to bed last night, but I didn’t expect that this result would appear when I opened my eyes 👇🏻👇🏻. Q 👇🏻At present, there are still a few memes with low market value that are worth entering. One is bome people meme slerf. Consider 69246+9229 on the sol chain first. People has been washing low market value for a long time. It should be able to fly. It is not recommended to open a contract, just play with spot.

But please note that the big cake has not broken through yet. It is better to be cautious. Pay attention to Brother Ostrich. Find in the article

#新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 $BOME $BONK $PEOPLE