I recently chatted with some fans and found that everyone is confused about the layout of currencies. Many people have at least 8 currencies in their basic layout. If you want to talk about the currencies that they are optimistic about, there must be at least a dozen or twenty listed.

But when asked specifically about the currencies you invest in, do you know them all? Without exception, no one can tell a clue. I just bought them because others said they were good.

This is an investment, an investment of real money. Some people use their savings from their daily frugality for several years, and some people even borrow money to take a chance.

When you go to the vegetable market to buy a 5-yuan vegetable, you have to choose and compare for a long time to choose the best one, but buying coins in the financial market is more casual than buying vegetables.

So how many potential coins should you invest in the currency circle?

It is definitely not the more the better! The more your funds are dispersed, the less effective they are, especially if you don’t know what these coins are for

We need to think about the purpose of selecting coins. We want to

First, to outperform Bitcoin and Ethereum in the same bull market

Second, to have greater certainty of returns

Third, to maximize returns based on the first two

This is also the principle of selecting coins in the bull market in May Circle

So the design and drive I work for needs to spend several years to carefully deduce, research, and screen repeatedly from many sectors and thousands of coins

Finally, the research results are given to every May Circle friend in the form of a report. The research report will refine all the important information, so that we can understand the value points, future development, and why to invest in the coin. At the same time, after the investment, the research department will also keep tracking the latest progress

Only by investing clearly can we hold on and make profits clearly

Next, what factors do we need to consider when choosing potential coins?

First: Risk

Does the currency match the development of the blockchain industry in this bull market? Can the currency I have deployed be launched regardless of how this bull market is narrated?

This requires a deep understanding of the development of the blockchain industry. This threshold has already screened 80% of the currencies, because most of them are uncertain, either immature, outdated, or premature

Second: Rate of return

After ensuring safety, choose the best from the best in the remaining 20%, and choose the strongest from the strongest. Who has greater potential for explosion in this bull market and whose value is seriously underestimated?

How to value requires long-term research on the companies, technologies, and future developments behind each currency. Only 5% are left after screening here

Third: Timing

The currency circle has sector rotation. You can’t buy the selected currency whenever you want. You need to cooperate with the market timing. Before the sector starts, you should make arrangements in advance. When the timing ends, you should leave the market quickly. The investment returns of good currencies belong to us

This requires rich experience in the narrative of the bull market sector in the currency circle, and at the same time, you need to have a [trading system]: Use technology to determine the buying and selling points, use strategies to deploy bullets, and use your mindset to integrate knowledge and action

This is a complete process that we need to go through in the currency circle, from currency selection to layout

Of course, you can also simplify it. Either you are in a professional circle and there are professionals to help you do these things

Or you don’t understand it yourself, spend time and energy looking for information everywhere, and layout it. In the end, you can accept the random results

Finally, I would like to give you a suggestion: the currency layout is not about quantity, but quality, just like you choose your life partner, quality is more important than quantity

For truly potential currencies, even if you layout 3 or 5, a bull market can make you successfully land, turn over, and save decades of struggle in life

I often sigh that I am very lucky. In the complex market of the currency circle, I can meet the conscientious design driver where I am

Every currency invested will give us the latest monthly report every month, interpreting it bit by bit so that everyone can understand and understand the value of the currency

It will also teach us blockchain knowledge, investment thinking, and understand the market Etc., cultivating each of us in all aspects

The reason why I share is because I benefit from it, I am grateful to my driver, and similarly, I have been caught in the rain, and I also hope to hold an umbrella for others

I used to be a rookie in the currency circle and lost a lot of money, and I had no direction. Because of the existence of my driver, I can share with you here today

So if you want to understand this industry, want to learn some real skills, want to make good investments, want to grasp the trend of the times, and want to change your own destiny

Then, I hope to open this window for you through my article, so that you know that in the currency circle, there is such a driver who is wholeheartedly considering all partners, has strength, and walks the right path#比特币减半 #WIF #ENA $SOL $DOGE