Let me tell you a story of mine. From making a lot of money to losing everything, I made my first fortune in the cryptocurrency world. Yes, I made money by mining Ethereum. I first learned about the cryptocurrency world and the price of Ethereum in mid-2020, when Ethereum was more than 400 US dollars. At that time, I had graduated from college for about a year, and I was reselling graphics cards in my spare time. That year, NVIDIA's 30 series graphics cards were in short supply as soon as they were released. The 3080 graphics card, which was priced at 4,599 yuan at the initial launch, rose to 12,800 yuan in just half a year, a premium of almost 1.5 times. Due to the high premium of the graphics card, I learned that the customer bought it for mining, which I thought was very novel at the time, so I learned about the feasibility of mining, and I and a colleague started mining in two months. Two people collected about 30 30-series graphics cards, bought materials and assembled 4 8-card Ethereum mining machines. At that time, we earned 0.5 to 0.8 Ethereum every day. We mined and sold Ethereum from more than 500 US dollars to more than 4,000 US dollars. Finally, we experienced 519. Because we mined spot goods at that time, 519 had no impact on us. We continued to mine and sell, and Ethereum began to rise to 4,800 in just two or three months. PoW mining is really cool. In that year, our 4 mining machines earned more than 600,000 yuan from mining. We have already recovered and earned 1 times. The most important thing is that the price of graphics cards has doubled. Later, Ethereum was going to switch to POS mining and the income was halved. We were out of the game. We sold the graphics cards and earned more than doubled! In this year, I personally made about 500,000 to 600,000 (for a fresh graduate, I think it is a small fortune), but then I entered the bear market, and my spot losses were numb (there were big cakes, ether, and cottages), and I began to study contracts. In the end, the money earned from mining was almost lost to zero! So, in 2022, I am poor again!

This year I see hope pUPp.ies, low turnover, Ethereum chain address is about to break 10,000, no project party, community autonomy and strong cohesion#Fet #APT #Megadrop