Sure enough, in just three days, the market staged another "pancake flipping" drama. There seem to be some familiar routines hidden in this Iran-Israel conflict.

Iran has repeatedly emphasized that this matter has nothing to do with the United States - just like our old saying, "only attack Chiang's ships, not American ships", it is clear. There is also a rule in the conflict. It is hot on the weekend and quiet in the middle of the week - just like the "bombardment of Kinmen" in the past, firing on odd days and resting on even days, it is very regular. These parties, you come and go, for fear of being abandoned by the United States, but they are trapped in the Middle East and can't get out. Resources are already tight, and now they can't be deployed to East Asia. Those allies and allies under the American system, if they continue to play like this, sooner or later they will make the United States bear a heavy burden and finally collapse. Speaking of which, Trump's idea is quite wise - hide in the North American continent, protect yourself and recuperate, and wait until you are ready to fight again. It's a pity that it can't be realized, and this election is probably hanging. Once the United States really retreats, Israel will be miserable, surrounded by Muslim countries, like a vast ocean. They need to prepare more Noah's Arks, and it may be easier to escape from the sea. Once this war escalates, it will not be easy to stop. It will not stop until both sides are exhausted, the people feel that their grievances have been vented, and they can't stand the blood. But then again, the market will adapt sooner or later. Risk market prices will also be desensitized to the Iran-Israel conflict, just like the previous Russia-Ukraine war. Who cares about those fluctuations now? Although the process is indeed difficult, it will eventually pass.

The crypto market experienced a sharp drop on April 13, and the altcoins generally fell back by 50%-80%. Many fans' assets were halved. Sister Hei was also deeply saddened and regretful. Next, I prepared some coins suitable for bargain hunting. The output is: 点击领取回本计划. If you get lost, come and find the way!

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