If I bought 10,000 yuan worth of Bitcoin ten years ago, what would happen to me now?


About 17 or 18 years ago, I happened to hear on the Pacific Hardware Forum that ATI's (not yet acquired by AMD) X2900XT graphics card had excellent mining performance, and some people even joked that one Q coin could be exchanged for more than a dozen Bitcoins.

At that time, the hot discussions on the forum revolved around the performance comparison between X2900XT and 7900GT, and mining seemed to be just a part of the graphics card performance test. Almost no one paid attention to the value of Bitcoin itself. I often think that if I was willing to spend a few Q coins to exchange for some Bitcoin at that time, maybe I can have a place on the rich list now.

However, fate is always full of drama. Bitcoin later became famous and its value soared. When the unit price of Bitcoin reached 30,000 US dollars, a media interviewed the programmer who had exchanged 5,000 Bitcoins for two pizzas. Facing the camera, he just smiled indifferently and said that the two pizzas tasted good.

In fact, Bitcoin was just one of the many blockchain currencies at that time. Any small change may change the development trajectory of Bitcoin. I often imagine that if I really bought those Bitcoins back then, maybe another currency would become popular. More likely, when the value of Bitcoin just approached Q coins, I was eager to sell it, and I was complacent about my "wise" choice. But if that were the case, I would probably miss the real peak moment of Bitcoin, and that regret would be even more profound.

Of course, some people became rich overnight because of Bitcoin. There was an American programmer who bought Bitcoin on the recommendation of a colleague and then forgot about it. When the value of Bitcoin soared to $7,000, he sold 80% of his Bitcoin, quit his job, and started traveling around the world. After the trip, he found that the remaining 20% ​​of Bitcoin was worth far more than the total investment at the beginning. The most fascinating part of this story is the element of "forgetting". Perhaps, true wealth always comes quietly without notice.

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