Recently, the Egyptian currency plummeted by 40% overnight. How many families were displaced? Let's look at the history of currency in ancient my country. Zhu Yuanzhang, a bloodthirsty demon who eats meat without spitting out bones and skin, melted the copper coins collected from private taxes into smaller and thinner copper sheets, which were thinner than the golden throat that was almost licked. With this inferior method, he plundered the lower-class people's wealth and created how many disasters?

I think traditional currency is the real scam. The modern monetary system has completely broken away from the restrictions of gold and cash reserves. It has completely become a left foot stepping on the right foot and taking off. You think that the money you borrow from the bank comes from other depositors who deposit money in the bank. In fact, the money you borrow is completely generated out of thin air based on your credit.

Bitcoin is essentially an ancient currency with a history of thousands of years. It is a shell used by ancient people. It is not a technological innovation. You can directly understand it as a mineral. The total amount is limited, the quantity is scarce, and this mineral can be quickly and cheaply transferred to any account in any world.

If someone wants to play Landlord, and as the landlord, you have Bitcoin in your hand, because of the asset anonymity of Bitcoin, no one knows that you have the currency. Even if they know, they can't get it by force.

At least for me personally, my mobile phone is often subject to various transfer restrictions, forcing me to go to the bank, and when I go to the bank, it's like being interrogated as a prisoner. Why don't I use Bitcoin? I transfer a sum of money, and no one can stop me. This is a pure freedom.

Crypto assets are the only way for humans to reach happiness and freedom.

I am May. If you want to dig deep in the currency circle, can't find a clue, want to get started quickly, and don't know how to operate, welcome to join the village. I hope everyone will be responsible for every decision in life. Come on #比特币减半 #WIF #sui $SOL $BNB