Regarding holding coins, many people think that as long as I don't sell, I will never lose money in coin-based calculations. Isn't that simple? Yes, that's what I said.

I've talked about why holding coins is like being a widow before. Here's an addition, or how to deal with this situation.

But in most cases, many people cut their positions when the market falls or goes sideways after they have filled their positions. The first reason is that they need funds for daily life. As a result, they have already gone all in. Before going all in, they thought about making a little money or taking a rebound and then selling the profits to maintain their living expenses, but they were trapped. As a result, they can't maintain their daily living expenses. They can still hold on for one or two days, but they may be shaken in ten days and half a month. As for a year or two? That's not the life of leeks. Therefore, they will start to cut their meat slowly, starting with small cuts, just to maintain their lives. This leads to the second point.

The second point is that in the process of being trapped, facing the endless new things and new hot spots in the circle, suffering from the lack of principal, and unwilling to miss the so-called "opportunity", coupled with the loss of money, the heart is extremely anxious. At this time, it is very easy to have an idea in the mind: cut all the meat and go all in on a certain project, thinking that not only can the previous losses be made up for the meat cut, but there is also profit. As a result, nine out of ten times are high-multiple guards, and after several cycles, there may not be much principal left.

Solution: There is a stable income in reality, which can be avoided. After all, with a source of income, daily living expenses can be maintained, and in the face of the trapped assets in the circle, you can also cover the position and lower the average price. If there is no source of income in reality, all the funds have been all in the currency circle and are trapped. Then find a class to support yourself. Then stay away from the currency circle temporarily, for the reasons mentioned in the above two points.

The above is limited to secondary mainstream currency players. All being trapped means that the overall market is not good. Under this background, the profit and loss ratio of frequent operations is very poor.

I am May. If you want to dig deeper into the cryptocurrency circle, but can't find a clue, want to get started quickly, and don't know how to operate, welcome to join the village. I hope everyone will be responsible for every decision in life. Come on #比特币减半 #sui #WIF $BNB $SOL