This wave of decline has made everyone numb recently. Contracts should explode, and spot should lose money. Risk control in this industry is always the first priority, especially for contract players. Don't think about how much you can make, but think about how long you can survive in this market!

A few suggestions for newcomers. Small funds within 10,000u can be all spot. If you want to open a contract to leverage, at least make sure that the spot funds are always greater than the contract funds, and then divide the contract funds into 10 parts for practice. If you want to play contracts with 1,000u, then only transfer 100u to the contract account for practice. Even if you lose all, it's only 100u, and there are 9 funds for you to practice. Grow up every time you lose money, and don't make the same mistake twice.

If you have lost all the funds of 10 contracts and haven't made any money, then listen to my brother, stay away from contracts and play spot well, otherwise you will still lose all the money later. If the contract makes money, increase the spot position in time, at least 50% of the position is pie, and the other half of the position is to buy the coins you like. I emphasize again that you must allocate funds to pie, and you will never be disappointed.

Once the subsequent funds are greater than 50,000 U or 100,000 U, the spot position must be at least 90%, leaving only 10% of the position contract. After all, if the subsequent contract funds are large, there will be a lot of losses and gains. At that time, it is a struggle with human nature, but many people cannot control their own human nature. Even if the last 10% of the contract funds are lost, the other 90% of the spot can help you earn it back.

There is also the last one I have been using, do trend trading, don’t short in a bull market, go with the trend. After all, people have their own thoughts and subjective consciousness, not machines. It is easy to lose your judgment when doing two-way orders. Even if you know that the current callback is not short, you would rather clear the spot and wait and see.

Finally, I would like to give you a few words to encourage each other: Generals will die in the long battle, so don’t open orders frequently!

When your winning rate is not rising, the more orders you open, the greater the probability of losing money. Do what you can understand and make orders with confidence! #大盘走势 #比特币减半 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥