At present, the spot market is still centered around the orders mentioned before. The ordi orders that were placed at 50 before should have been received. I haven’t seen a strategy for this ordi that allows you to directly receive the orders at the current price.


In addition, regarding the market, BTC is about to start halving. We have discussed the market before and after the halving. There will definitely be panic selling, and sure enough, it did come. However, I personally don’t like to frequently buy and sell waves back and forth, because the bull market has come. I will only consider exiting the copycat positions when BTC breaks 100,000 in the bull market. So now I am holding on to the losses, and I am not running away from the profits. Pepe, ordi, floki, who made dozens of times the money, sold several times in the middle, and their accounts are all retreating.

Now it is mainly because of the macro war, coupled with the Federal Reserve's three adjustments and one interest rate cut, which has led to the lack of strength of ETF funds. I still maintain my previous view and see the strength of Hong Kong ETF next week.

The worst outcome for the market is around 50,000. After the halving, the mining cost of miners will be over 50,000. Even if 60,000 is broken, it will not fall too deep. The corresponding range of 58,000-55,000 is what everyone often calls the last chance to get on board. This is the current view.

So these few months do not mean that the market will not rise. In the subsequent operations, you must keep 3 layers of positions for risk hedging and picking up bloody chips!

One thing to always remember is: rise is risk, fall is opportunity!

The premise of the above sentence is that the big bull market cycle has not ended yet!

As long as the market falls, it is actually a good time for us to make arrangements!

Judging from various comprehensive factors, it is obviously too early to talk about the end of the bull market cycle. Therefore, there is actually nothing to worry about in the current market. If you have funds, you can buy at the bottom and invest regularly. If you don’t have funds, just hold your positions and wait!

In fact, every wave of market decline is a drill given to us by the market when the big bull market comes, telling us that there is no market that only rises and never falls, telling us to learn to stop profit in time, follow our own investment plan, and execute our own operations! No matter how much it rises, you can stop profit when you achieve your goal! Don't be greedy! The goal of wealth lies in gradual accumulation, not getting rich overnight! I believe that after experiencing this round of bull market, my personal operating system should be further improved!

Even if the market falls, don’t stop learning. Don’t stop researching valuable projects. Valuable projects and profitable projects are two different concepts.

The parameter sandwiched in between is timing, or the position to get on and off the bus. However, if you just stop trading because of a decline and do not study valuable projects, you will lose faith when the rise begins.

Missing out on making money when the market is rising is essentially the same as losing money when the market is falling. It’s all money and there is no distinction between high and low. If you missed the opportunity to reduce your position when the market is falling, then see if there is a "rescue opportunity to reduce your position". If you missed them all, please don’t lie down and not review, don’t stop learning, and don’t stop researching.

Because this determines your next move.

If you are already fully invested, it is recommended not to move your position back and forth, just wait patiently for the currency in your hand to rebound.

If you still have some safe-haven position bullets left, then you can choose the strong B mentioned earlier and buy the bottom layer by layer.

In general, most of the current varieties have returned to the pre-liberation period. The market is reshuffling, and it is also a good opportunity for us to re-position! Don't miss it, don't hesitate! Just do it!

Create a high-quality circle

Spot mainly

Tentative 50 people

This is the end of the article. Welcome to the 50-person circle public account (Mr. Krabs’ Attack on Titan)~!