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How do novices make money in the cryptocurrency circle? 1. When you just enter the circle, don't rush to make money, learn quickly. If you don't even know whether the exchange will collapse and run away, how to cross-chain assets, and the concept of blockchain, how can you make money? 2. Step on more pits, practice diligently, and ask fewer people. There are 101 opinions among 100 people in the cryptocurrency circle. Speculators think that investors are stupid, and speculators think that investors are termites. A said that this project is a great innovation, B thinks it is just a concept machine, and C said that they are both scammers... Who should I believe? Don't believe anyone. There are scammers everywhere in the cryptocurrency circle, who specialize in standing on the street at various traffic outlets to provide newcomers with corresponding stimulating services. And 99% of the people in the cryptocurrency circle are leeks, who should I believe? 3. The circle is very important. In my opinion, 99% of the group chats are about the same level as the old man in the park at the entrance of the village. They focus on chatting and occasionally posting screenshots of profits. This is actually not very meaningful. A high-quality circle can at least let you see the facts of the cryptocurrency circle. 4. Investment is your own business. How do you understand this sentence? That is to say, investment is ultimately up to you. Other people's analysis and thinking are only for reference. You need to do more independent research to form your own investment framework. Only with a framework can you have your own ideas. 5. Which is better, contracts, short-term, hoarding coins, wool, or NFT? The best one is the one that suits you. But contracts and short-term are not suitable for most people. 6. How can I find a 100x coin? If you don't even know the basic concepts, don't understand what the currency circle is, and ask around, you will never find a 100x coin with this mentality, and you will be shot. What I want to emphasize is that it is not so easy to make money in the currency circle, and the easy ones can't make money. If someone wants to argue, someone bought a 100x coin, and the contract is so many times, then it is likely to be a liar. 7. Patience is the basis for making money. You may have to study for a long time and be deceived countless times before you know what the currency circle is like. It's okay. Cherish every experience of being deceived. This is a lesson you should learn on the road of investment. 8. Abide by the basic rules of the currency circle. If you lose money, you must admit it, and if you are deceived, you must obey. Experts often don't complain, and the weak like to blame others for cutting leeks to complain about unfair rules. When you are no longer able to make rules, stop talking too much. 9. Learn and practice at the same time. Some people say, I have learned so many concepts and understand them all, but they are still very abstract.No, you should learn and practice at the same time, experience various projects. Of course, output is the best practice. You can also output content to attract friends and communicate together. 10. As long as you are attentive, you can always become a big boss. I am sure many people will not agree with me. Isn't this nonsense? How many people are still leeks? Remember, it has nothing to do with you that others are leeks. What you need to focus on is improving yourself. Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing to work hard can do it. If you want to argue again, refer to Article 2. In the currency circle, there are mainly two types of roles: dealers and retail investors. Retail investors often become the receivers of dealers, rather than the predecessors taking over the plates of the successors. This is actually a contest between the wise and the foolish. As a project party, in a market where the exchange is highly controlled, the news and K-line charts you can access are all carefully drawn by the dealers and the project parties. Under the control of the algorithm, the exchange can even accurately make you lose all your money. Most of the remarks on the Internet advocating the arrival of a bull market and the right time to enter the market are just smoke screens released by market makers in order to reap profits. If you believe them, you may fall into the trap.

How do novices make money in the cryptocurrency circle?

1. When you just enter the circle, don't rush to make money, learn quickly. If you don't even know whether the exchange will collapse and run away, how to cross-chain assets, and the concept of blockchain, how can you make money?

2. Step on more pits, practice diligently, and ask fewer people. There are 101 opinions among 100 people in the cryptocurrency circle. Speculators think that investors are stupid, and speculators think that investors are termites. A said that this project is a great innovation, B thinks it is just a concept machine, and C said that they are both scammers... Who should I believe? Don't believe anyone. There are scammers everywhere in the cryptocurrency circle, who specialize in standing on the street at various traffic outlets to provide newcomers with corresponding stimulating services. And 99% of the people in the cryptocurrency circle are leeks, who should I believe?

3. The circle is very important. In my opinion, 99% of the group chats are about the same level as the old man in the park at the entrance of the village. They focus on chatting and occasionally posting screenshots of profits. This is actually not very meaningful. A high-quality circle can at least let you see the facts of the cryptocurrency circle.

4. Investment is your own business. How do you understand this sentence? That is to say, investment is ultimately up to you. Other people's analysis and thinking are only for reference. You need to do more independent research to form your own investment framework. Only with a framework can you have your own ideas.

5. Which is better, contracts, short-term, hoarding coins, wool, or NFT? The best one is the one that suits you. But contracts and short-term are not suitable for most people.

6. How can I find a 100x coin? If you don't even know the basic concepts, don't understand what the currency circle is, and ask around, you will never find a 100x coin with this mentality, and you will be shot. What I want to emphasize is that it is not so easy to make money in the currency circle, and the easy ones can't make money. If someone wants to argue, someone bought a 100x coin, and the contract is so many times, then it is likely to be a liar.

7. Patience is the basis for making money. You may have to study for a long time and be deceived countless times before you know what the currency circle is like. It's okay. Cherish every experience of being deceived. This is a lesson you should learn on the road of investment.

8. Abide by the basic rules of the currency circle. If you lose money, you must admit it, and if you are deceived, you must obey. Experts often don't complain, and the weak like to blame others for cutting leeks to complain about unfair rules. When you are no longer able to make rules, stop talking too much.

9. Learn and practice at the same time. Some people say, I have learned so many concepts and understand them all, but they are still very abstract.No, you should learn and practice at the same time, experience various projects. Of course, output is the best practice. You can also output content to attract friends and communicate together.

10. As long as you are attentive, you can always become a big boss. I am sure many people will not agree with me. Isn't this nonsense? How many people are still leeks? Remember, it has nothing to do with you that others are leeks. What you need to focus on is improving yourself. Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing to work hard can do it. If you want to argue again, refer to Article 2.

In the currency circle, there are mainly two types of roles: dealers and retail investors. Retail investors often become the receivers of dealers, rather than the predecessors taking over the plates of the successors. This is actually a contest between the wise and the foolish.

As a project party, in a market where the exchange is highly controlled, the news and K-line charts you can access are all carefully drawn by the dealers and the project parties. Under the control of the algorithm, the exchange can even accurately make you lose all your money. Most of the remarks on the Internet advocating the arrival of a bull market and the right time to enter the market are just smoke screens released by market makers in order to reap profits. If you believe them, you may fall into the trap.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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