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Binance launches the 52nd project of new coin mining. A new mining project - OMNI is about to be launched. It not only indicates the potential value of BNB, but also marks Binance's continued deepening and expansion in the field of blockchain technology. As we all know, every time Binance launches a mining project, it is accompanied by a steady rise in the price of BNB. This OMNI mining project is no exception. We have reason to believe that BNB will usher in a new rising cycle, and its price will break through $1,000 in the near future. For users who have participated in mining for a long time, a year of hard work will bring at least twice the return on investment, which is undoubtedly the best reward for persistence and wisdom. This OMNI mining project will be carried out from 8:00 am on April 13, 2024 to 24:00 on April 16, for three days. During this period, users can participate in OMNI mining activities by staking BNB and FDUSD. This move not only provides users with generous mining rewards, but also promotes the further development and popularization of Omni Network on the Binance Launchpool platform. It is worth mentioning that Binance will be the first trading platform to list OMNI tokens. Trading will officially start at 12:00 (UTC) on April 17, 2024, when OMNI will be open for trading with multiple trading pairs such as BTC, USDT, BNB, FFDUSD and TRY. In addition, 52 projects have successfully settled in Binance Launchpool-OmniNetwork. These projects aim to integrate the Ethereum rollup ecosystem into a unified layer 1 blockchain and inject new vitality into the development of blockchain technology. It is expected that the relevant webpage will be launched within 5 hours before the start of the launch pool, so stay tuned. In the OMNI mining project, users can deposit BNB and FDUSD into the designated pool to obtain mining rewards for OMNI tokens. The specific reward mechanism is as follows: Launchpool will provide 3500000 0MNI as token rewards, accounting for 3.5% of the maximum supply of OMNI. The initial circulating supply will reach 10391492 0MNI, accounting for 10.39% of the maximum supply of tokens. This generous reward mechanism will undoubtedly stimulate users' enthusiasm for participation and promote the vigorous development of the OMNI mining project. In terms of smart contracts, the OMNI project will use Ethereum as the underlying technology to ensure the security and stability of transactions. At the same time, users participating in mining need to complete KYC certification to ensure compliance and security.In terms of staking terms, an hourly hard cap has been set for each user to ensure fairness and transparency in mining activities. To learn more, follow my pinned post. I have been working in the cryptocurrency industry for ten years and have in-depth insights into various issues. I am always welcome to discuss with you. #bnb金铲子 #omni #新币

Binance launches the 52nd project of new coin mining. A new mining project - OMNI is about to be launched.

It not only indicates the potential value of BNB, but also marks Binance's continued deepening and expansion in the field of blockchain technology.

As we all know, every time Binance launches a mining project, it is accompanied by a steady rise in the price of BNB. This OMNI mining project is no exception. We have reason to believe that BNB will usher in a new rising cycle, and its price will break through $1,000 in the near future. For users who have participated in mining for a long time, a year of hard work will bring at least twice the return on investment, which is undoubtedly the best reward for persistence and wisdom.

This OMNI mining project will be carried out from 8:00 am on April 13, 2024 to 24:00 on April 16, for three days. During this period, users can participate in OMNI mining activities by staking BNB and FDUSD. This move not only provides users with generous mining rewards, but also promotes the further development and popularization of Omni Network on the Binance Launchpool platform.

It is worth mentioning that Binance will be the first trading platform to list OMNI tokens. Trading will officially start at 12:00 (UTC) on April 17, 2024, when OMNI will be open for trading with multiple trading pairs such as BTC, USDT, BNB, FFDUSD and TRY.

In addition, 52 projects have successfully settled in Binance Launchpool-OmniNetwork. These projects aim to integrate the Ethereum rollup ecosystem into a unified layer 1 blockchain and inject new vitality into the development of blockchain technology. It is expected that the relevant webpage will be launched within 5 hours before the start of the launch pool, so stay tuned.

In the OMNI mining project, users can deposit BNB and FDUSD into the designated pool to obtain mining rewards for OMNI tokens. The specific reward mechanism is as follows: Launchpool will provide 3500000 0MNI as token rewards, accounting for 3.5% of the maximum supply of OMNI.

The initial circulating supply will reach 10391492 0MNI, accounting for 10.39% of the maximum supply of tokens. This generous reward mechanism will undoubtedly stimulate users' enthusiasm for participation and promote the vigorous development of the OMNI mining project.

In terms of smart contracts, the OMNI project will use Ethereum as the underlying technology to ensure the security and stability of transactions. At the same time, users participating in mining need to complete KYC certification to ensure compliance and security.In terms of staking terms, an hourly hard cap has been set for each user to ensure fairness and transparency in mining activities.

To learn more, follow my pinned post. I have been working in the cryptocurrency industry for ten years and have in-depth insights into various issues. I am always welcome to discuss with you.

#bnb金铲子 #omni #新币

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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美国对CZ的打压余波未平,英国竟又剑指华人比特币大户,一场跨境追缴风暴正悄然上演。 近日,2500名投资者联名向公安部发出紧急请求,希望政府能够介入,与英国展开谈判,追回被指控涉及诈骗的6.1万枚比特币。这些投资者曾通过一个虚假的财富管理计划,被钱志敏(化名张亚迪)等人骗取了巨额资金,这些资金随后被转换成比特币,流入了不法分子的手中。 据报道,这起诈骗案涉及金额高达50亿英镑,折合美元约63.4亿,受害者人数近13万。这些受害者中,不乏倾家荡产、家庭破裂的悲惨案例。他们的声音在联名信中显得无比沉重和急切:“我们的损失惨重,家庭破碎,负债累累,甚至无法承担医疗费用。我们的声音应该被听到,英国不应该没收这些财产。” 英国皇家检察处已经在高等法院启动了民事追偿程序,一旦确认没有其他合法主张人,这些被没收的比特币将按比例分配给英国警方和内政部。然而,对于受害者来说,这无疑是雪上加霜。他们不仅失去了自己的血汗钱,还可能面临无法追回损失的困境。 面对这一困境,中国警方与英国警方的合作显得尤为重要。中国警方可以提供关键证据,证明这些比特币是钱志敏等人在中国的犯罪所得。如果中国警方能够成功介入此案,与英国警方展开刑事合作,那么或许有望为受害者挽回部分损失。然而,具体的合作方式和资产分享比例,还需要双方进一步协商和探讨。 这场跨境追缴风暴,不仅考验着两国警方的合作能力,更考验着国际社会对于打击犯罪、保护投资者权益的决心。让我们持续关注此案的进展,期待能够早日为受害者带来一丝曙光。 同时,也提醒广大投资者,要时刻保持警惕,切勿轻信不明来源的投资项目,以免上当受骗。 关注我!查看置顶,获得更多资讯 ,对于各类问题都有深入的见解,随时欢迎与你交流探讨。 #反诈小贴士 #大盘走势 #BTC $ETHFI $ENA $PEPE
好消息接踵而至,信仰正在为牛市充值! 五月的风,似乎带来了山寨市场的春天。山寨币们跃跃欲试,准备迎接属于它们的绽放时刻。 在这个充满希望的五月,比特币的L2网络Stacks即将迎来“Nakamoto”大升级。 这不仅是一次技术上的飞跃,更是比特币生态持续发展的有力证明。这一升级预示着比特币在性能、安全性等方面将取得显著提升,为投资者们带来更多的信心与期待。 与此同时,以太坊现货ETF的审批也在紧锣密鼓地进行中。一旦通过,以太坊的地位和影响力将进一步提升,吸引更多的资金流入这一热门领域。我们期待着以太坊在加密货币市场中继续扮演重要角色,引领行业向前发展。 展望未来,十一月的美国总统大选将成为加密领域的又一大看点。候选人肯尼迪的豪言壮志,无疑为加密货币的未来描绘了一幅美好的蓝图。如果他的承诺能够兑现,那么加密货币行业将迎来前所未有的发展机遇。 此外美联储今年可能的降息政策也将对加密货币市场产生积极影响降息意味着传统资金的成本降低,更多的资金可能会流入币圈,为市场注入新的活力。 虽然降息的次数和时间尚存不确定性,但这一趋势已经引发了市场的广泛关注。 在这样一个充满变数与机遇的市场中,我们需要保持冷静与理性。技术指标或许暂时无法给出明确的答案,但市场的走势往往蕴含着深刻的逻辑。山寨币的涨涨跌跌,正是市场自我调整与寻找平衡的过程。现在的价格,或许正是入手的好时机。 兄弟们,别被市场的短期波动所迷惑。大户们正在积极布局,他们看到了市场的长期价值。我们也应该坚定信仰,相信加密货币的未来将更加美好。 如果你不知道怎么操作,还在迷茫,欢迎点赞关注,查看置顶!我会将百倍币无偿分享给大家瞎猜不如把握!#BTC #大盘走势 #ETH $STX $ETHFI $WIF
追求财富自由,选择哪些币种能暴富? 从过往的经验来看,每年的4月底或5月初,市场往往会出现较大的波动。在这样的关键时刻,我们建议投资者保持空仓状态,静观其变,避免盲目跟风。毕竟,他人的盈利并不代表自己也能获益,控制风险始终是第一位的。 待市场调整过后,有几个板块和币种值得我们重点关注。首先,AI板块,随着GPT5的即将发布,其相关币种如RNDR、FET、LPT、ARKM、NFP、JASMY、WLD等可能会迎来新的投资机会。 其次模因板块也是一个不容错过的领域,特别是PEPE、floki、WIF、SATS等币种,它们具有较高的潜力,但同样伴随着较高的风险,适合风险承受能力较强的投资者。 新公链方面,TIA、SUI、SEI等币种也展现出了不俗的潜力,值得投资者关注。同时,RWA板块作为新兴热点,ONDO、TRU、polyx等币种也值得关注,它们可能会成为机构布局的重点。 此外,BTC生态的铭文板块以及Solana生态也是值得关注的投资方向。STX、ORDI、SATS、MAP、ML、MUBI等币种在BTC生态中表现出色,而Solana生态的SOL、JTO、JUP、PYTH、BOME、BONK等币种也值得关注,特别是随着其年度大会的临近,可能会带来更多的投资机会。 最后,游戏板块也是一个不容忽视的投资领域。IMX、GALA等币种在游戏领域中具有较高的市场认可度和增长潜力,值得投资者关注。 在选择投资币种时,我们需要综合考虑市场趋势、板块热点、币种潜力以及个人风险承受能力等因素。只有做好充分的研究和准备,才能更好地把握投资机会,实现财富自由的目标。 目前市场风云涌动,一个人行走是孤独的,文章就到这里了,我会在置顶内做更仔细的分析,如果想加入的话,点击头像查看置顶。 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 $BTC $SOL $PEPE
三只热门币种闪耀币圈,潜力巨大超越主流币种! 在币圈市场中,三只热门币种以独特的魅力和巨大的潜力引起了投资者的广泛关注。它们分别是SHIB、PEPE和WIF,它们的独特价值和强劲市场表现让众多传统价值币黯然失色。 首先,我们聚焦于柴犬币。尽管近期柴犬币经历了一定程度的回调,但知名加密货币分析师Rekt Capital却预测其未来有望强势反弹。 回顾历史,柴犬币曾展现出惊人的涨幅,其价格走势与2021年有着惊人的相似性。因此分析师认为,在比特币产量减半的重要时刻,柴犬币有望迎来新一轮的上涨行情,其潜力不容小觑。 接下来,让我们来看看佩佩币。作为一只国际交易所上市的Meme币,佩佩币在短短三个月内便实现了惊人的涨幅,充分展现了其强大的市场号召力。随着比特币减半的临近,佩佩币有望借助市场热度继续攀升,甚至有望创下新的历史高点。 最后我们不得不提及狗帽币。自2023年12月以来,狗帽币便以强劲的上涨势头吸引了市场的目光。其价格从0.004美元起步,如今已经实现了令人瞩目的涨幅。 随着市场对该币种的兴趣日益浓厚,看涨情绪也在不断升温。多位分析师纷纷表示,狗帽币的价值有望在短期内实现翻倍,并有望在未来突破5美元大关。 综上所述,柴犬币、佩佩币和狗帽币这三只热门币种在币圈市场中展现出了强大的潜力和价值。它们不仅具备独特的Meme属性,还得到了市场的广泛关注和认可。 对于投资者而言,关注这三只热门币种的发展动态,把握投资机会,或许能够在未来的市场中获得丰厚的回报。 #BTC #ETH #DOGE土狗龙头 $SHIB $WIF $PEPE
SHIB何以飙升884,400%? 2021年,SHIB的崛起可谓是加密货币界的一大传奇,至今仍为众多分析师和投资者津津乐道。回想起2020年比特币减半后的盛况,模因币纷纷崭露头角,迎来爆发,但鲜有如柴犬般扶摇直上的。人们不禁期待,柴犬币是否将再次上演传奇般的涨幅。 柴犬币的横空出世与崛起之路 2020年5月,比特币减半事件引发了市场的热烈反响,但当时柴犬币尚未涉足这片热土。直到三个月后,SHIB才正式踏入加密货币市场,其初始价格之低,令人咋舌。 但是随着比特币在2020年底的强势上涨,SHIB的交易活动却始终显得平淡无奇。直到2021年1月31日,柴犬币的命运迎来了转折。这一日其交易量激增,达到了惊人的570万美元,价格也开始逐步攀升。自此SHIB的交易量持续保持在高位,吸引了大量投资者的关注。 2021年,柴犬币之星闪耀天际 当2021年比特币首次触及64,000美元的高位时,SHIB也创下了自己的历史新高,价格飙升至0.00000417美元。令人瞩目的是,在收益率方面,柴犬币竟超越了比特币,成为了市场的焦点。 随着比特币在2021年11月创下68,789美元的历史新高,SHIB也在同年10月达到了0.00008845美元的历史巅峰。从2021年1月至10月,柴犬币的涨幅高达惊人的884,400%,令人瞠目结舌。 比特币减半过后对SHIB的潜在影响 如今,新一轮的比特币减半已然拉开序幕,这无疑为柴犬币的再次崛起提供了可能。许多投资者纷纷指出,历史总是惊人的相似,特别是在比特币减半后的市场表现上。例如,2020年5月减半后,比特币价格开始持续攀升,最终在2021年4月达到了64,863美元的高位。 若历史重演,比特币在减半后出现类似的涨幅,那么其价格有望飙升。而柴犬币方面,据其团队成员透露,SHIB正步入一个超级周期。若柴犬币能重复其昔日的辉煌涨幅,那么按照当前价格计算,其未来价格或可达到惊人的0.199美元。 目前还有多数人无不怀揣着对柴犬币再次崛起的期待。这一次,它能否再次创造奇迹,我们拭目以待。 欲想了解更多,关注置顶,我在币圈摸爬滚打已有数载,对于各类问题都有深入的见解,随时欢迎与你交流探讨。关注置顶,这里只聚集着一群志同道合的伙伴,我们共同的目标,就是携手走向财富的巅峰! #BTC #Meme币你看好哪一个? $SHIB $DOGE $PEPE

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