$DOGE Most people are losing money in the cryptocurrency circle, so how can you make money in the cryptocurrency circle?

You need to do the following:

(1) Cognitive gap: If you have a high cognitive dimension, you can make money. For example, did Lunch do DOGE this round because he draws lines better than Mr. Mouth Cannon? No. Because he has a high cognitive dimension and his understanding of investment is several levels higher than most people. It can be seen that his prediction of DOGE a few months ago is the main driving force behind the rise of DOGE this round. Or Tony Fat House, his understanding of trading is several levels higher than others, so he can make a lot of money by trading.

(2) Information gap: This is mainly reflected in some high-odds gameplay that appeared in the early stage of some new narratives, such as digging, selling, and pulling wool. If you intervene earlier than others, you can earn good returns. As for how to have information gap, it is quite long, so I will not repeat it here. I told some brothers in the small group about it. In the past, Weibo also mentioned it sporadically. Those who are interested can find it.

(3) Execution gap: Either you work hard or you have skills. When there is no cognitive gap and information gap, the difference between ordinary people and their earnings is the execution gap. If you work hard or have skills, you can also make money. For example, you can make money by yourself, in batches, or by making tools. Mr. Wang, the director, He Bi, and several people who sell tools/use tools to make money are typical examples.

These three are the foundation, and they can also build blocks with each other, such as cognitive gap combined with execution gap, information gap combined with execution gap, etc. For example, Vida in the equation makes money by cognitive gap + information gap + execution gap. This model also determines that his trading behavior has high returns, low risks, and strong sustainability. For specific operations, you can join my small circle.

If you want to make a lot of money in trading, there are only two ways.

One is to win by position, heavy position, and the other is to win by amplitude. When the market has a large enough movement amplitude, such as the big drop on March 12, or the big rise from 10,000 to 60,000 (referring to iron ore), if you want to hold this amplitude, no analysis is useful. There is only one way: don’t stop profit.

The most clever way to stop profit is not to stop profit, but not stopping profit is extremely anti-human. You will lose money or not make any profit 100 times or even 90 times. I can't do it. If the position is small, you can't make a lot of money no matter how big the margin is. If the position is large, it's useless to keep the margin small, and it's easier to blow up the position.All those who make big money are masters of balancing the two.

It is said that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. For example, it seems very simple to make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies.

If you have 1 million yuan of capital and double your income every year, this income is theoretically very simple. After all, in the cryptocurrency circle, people who don't have dozens of times of income every year are always looked down upon.

1 million yuan, 2 million yuan, 4 million yuan, 8 million yuan, 16 million yuan... in four years, there will be 16 million yuan.

But this is only a theoretical result of mathematics, and it is not easy to do in practice. So what interrupts your compound interest?

It is making a big mistake.

It is not a big mistake to miss the opportunity. If you make a mistake, it is not a big mistake as long as you stop the loss. Only when you carry a high leverage order and finally cut your losses and blow up your position, it is a big mistake. No matter how many times you have done it right before, as long as you make a big mistake once, the previous right will be 0, and compound interest will be terminated.

This is why so many people have not made any money or even suffered a huge loss even though they have not missed the opportunity in the past few years.

In 10 big market trends, even if you miss 5 times and make 2 mistakes but stop loss, if you only catch 3 times, you will still get 10 times or even dozens of times of profit. The reason why many people can't do it is because they make big mistakes and can't accumulate compound interest by making losses and gains.

What's the use of doubling your profit this time, but then losing half of it when the crash comes?

Someone bought a certain cottage and made hundreds of times in one go. This is the most favorite story of getting rich. What I have always advocated is that cottages can be played, but positions must be controlled, and the main warehouse should still be based on Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, the general reaction of retail investors is that they all know that playing mainstream is stable, but they have to wait until they get started through cottages before seeking stability. It's a beautiful thought. Do you know what it means to make 150 times by buying Doggo?

First, you dare to go all-in on a cottage. How bold/gambling you are.

Second, you actually chose a hundred times among thousands of garbage coins. How sharp your vision/how good your luck is.

Third, there are countless violent callbacks in the middle of Doggo, and you can always hold it without selling. How much experience do you have?

Fourth, you have to buy at a relatively low point and sell at a high point accurately. How awesome is your technique?


For this kind of story to happen, the requirements for ability, luck, mentality and technique are all top-notch. It is obviously the most difficult of all the playing methods. Generally, only the protagonists of the online cool articles think that this is a natural and easy thing. Seeing the myth of 150 times of wealth, everyone will envy it.

However, you turned around and started to practice it yourself. You invested heavily in one or two altcoins and dreamed of making a hundred times the money. Did you just bring money and forget to bring your brain?

If you want to dig deep in the cryptocurrency circle, but can't find a clue and want to get started quickly, then join my small circle together. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message are welcome.

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