This is the transcript of Lao Bai's AMA. There is a lot of content. Thank you for reading~

1. AI+DepIN track

Everyone has seen the increase in AI, and can probably understand AI. Let me talk about DEPIN. The traditional PIN servers, sensors and other networks need AWS to operate, and Alibaba Cloud has a relatively high cost for small and medium-sized enterprises. Depin uses token incentives to allow users with equipment to establish a large-scale collaborative relationship with physical equipment. This is a basic network with service capabilities, so the price will be more affordable. There is indeed a demand for this, and it is not a purely conceptual thing!

Large model training, distributed mining, etc. will all generate demand, and of course these also require the support of AI, so that AI and Depin will complement each other!

DEPIN is actually the hardware Internet of Things, which may be the main rising wave of this bull market. When we choose investment targets, we can look at the Internet of Things, AI, and hardware facilities. DEPIN has a wide range of content! In addition to encouraging everyone to invest regularly in the bear market, I also shared WLD, RNDR, including FIL, and IOTX, which I recently published. These targets are actually quite good compared to those old-fashioned DEFI clones!

Everyone knows that DeFi was the main rising trend in the last bull market. In this round, after Bitcoin rose, meme coins rose. Some old-fashioned DeFi types basically did not rise much. It’s also because the industry is speculating on new things rather than old ones. Also, the DeFi car is too heavy, and the subsequent narrative is not very good!

Looking back at 21 years, after DEFI became popular, many related coins have increased a lot. We went back to that time node and did something in the later period. In fact, NFT became popular soon after that. Through the combination of traditional art and blockchain, it attracted the narrative of combining funds inside and outside the market! In this bull market, AI and DEPIN may play this role! Use the power of traditional funds and blockchain to promote a climax together!

2. How AI integrates with Depin

Recently, RWA and DEPIN are quite popular. If we don’t look at the narrative, but at the increase, SOL is the one that has seen the biggest increase. It has quietly increased by nearly 10 times. Everyone is based on the EVM narrative, and all projects are working on public chains!

1. The first thing to do is to de-EVM, so that high-performance chains can emerge and then form some killer applications. For example, SOL already has active developers. Whether AI+DEPIN can become popular also determines the future status of SOL!

2. Vitalik Buterin has mentioned the narrative of AI+blockchain before, which has led to an entrepreneurial direction, such as evolving smart contracts into super smart contracts, reducing cross-chain transaction friction, lowering the threshold for users, and increasing user interaction experience. This is the development direction of Defi, so don’t worry if you don’t see a recent increase in old DEFIs. The main upward trend in the future will definitely not be a single increase, but will introduce more funds, and all coins are on an upward trend!

3. Web3's innovative ability is now very mature because it has the support of web2's mature technology. For example, ZK technology. Everyone says that ZK is the end of L2. Now ZK only solves the trust problem between the main chain and the side chain. In fact, ZK can realize asset transfer between EVM and non-EVM. The real value may be in the future!

4. On the one hand, centralized AI poses data privacy and security risks and may be subject to censorship and control; on the other hand, AI created by Internet giants will make people more dependent, lead to market centralization, and increase barriers to innovation.

5. Although Internet giants have a large number of high-end graphics card resources in their hands, the combination of consumer-grade graphics cards scattered among the people can also form a very considerable computing power network, which is the long tail effect of computing power. The idle rate of such consumer-grade graphics cards is actually very high. As long as the incentives given by DePIN exceed the electricity bill, users will be motivated to contribute computing power to the network. At the same time, all physical facilities are managed by the users themselves. The DePIN network does not need to bear the unavoidable operating costs of centralized suppliers, but only needs to focus on the protocol design itself.

6. For data, the DePIN network can release the availability of potential data and reduce transmission costs through edge computing and other methods. At the same time, most distributed storage networks have automatic deduplication functions, which reduces the work of AI training data cleaning.

3. Scenarios of AI and Depin

Let’s not talk about whether it is a good track, but whether it is a good business. A good business must be a win-win situation. AI+DEPIN will definitely achieve a win-win situation for providers, consumers and platforms in the future.

DePIN provides AI with massive distributed computing power and data, which helps train larger models and achieve stronger intelligence. At the same time, DePIN also makes AI develop in a more open, secure, and reliable direction, reducing its reliance on a single centralized infrastructure. As a provider, you can get token incentives, which can be understood as mining income!

Looking into the future, AI and DePIN will continue to develop in a collaborative manner, as summarized in the following scenarios.

1. In the financial field, the combination of AI and DEPIN will bring us a more convenient and secure trading experience. Whether it is digital currency transactions or cross-border payments, AI will help DEPIN achieve a higher level of risk prevention and control and ensure the safety of our funds.

2. In terms of social media and privacy protection, the combination of AI and DEPIN will build a solid privacy barrier for us. AI can intelligently analyze our privacy preferences, while DEPIN protects our personal information from being leaked through advanced encryption technology.

3. In the field of Internet of Things, the combination of AI and DEPIN will also play a huge role. Together, they will provide powerful authentication and management functions for smart devices, ensuring that our smart homes, smart wearables and other devices are safe and controllable.

Of course, there may be more scenarios that we cannot imagine in the future. The tokens mentioned in the program are as follows: $SOL $WLD $RNDR