Is playing in the cryptocurrency circle considered a chance to turn things around?

First of all, I will answer with three words affirmatively - yes.

Let's talk about the first way to turn things around:

You are the kind of person who has a cleaner pocket than your face, and you are just trying to take a gamble and achieve a qualitative leap in life. At least you can work less for ten or eight years.

Of course there are such people, but they are a minority.

Most people become rich overnight and then lose money overnight.

Money comes quickly, but because it is too easy to make money, you will not get out of it, but will be deeply trapped in it, and then you can't see yourself clearly, and then you will quickly pay back the money you earned, not only cleanly, but also thoroughly.

I didn't have much money at first, but after going to the cryptocurrency circle, I found that I had a lot of money, all of which were account numbers, but after several twists and turns, the numbers became smaller and smaller.

It was even smaller than the number when I first entered the cryptocurrency circle.

It turned out that I came here with the idea of ​​counterattacking the loser, but the result was counterproductive.

So, it's not that there are no opportunities, there are plenty of opportunities, but what most people lack is how to put the inflated desire in the refrigerator to cool down after making money.

Let the mind gradually cool down, gradually sober up, recognize the current situation, and regain rationality.

What people fear most is that once the mind gets hot, the desire gradually expands, and then it is not controlled. The final result is a bang, and regret in a pity.

Let's talk about the second way to turn over:

Originally came with a fortune, which may be a lifetime of savings, or it may be that the seller came to the currency circle after selling the car.

Because there are infinite fantasies about this place, I hope to be able to carry more money out.

The result is the same, and there will be a small number of people who get the results they expect.

Similarly, most people lose both the wife and the army.

In the capital market, I believe that most people have made money before, but have never put the money in their pockets. Because they have made money, they are nostalgic for this market. I believe that most people have lost money before, and because they have lost money, they want to make it back.

This is the general psychology of people.

If you make money, you want to make more, and if you lose money, you also want to make more.

Whether you lose or make money, you still want to make money. This is a common point.

This is also a weakness of human nature.

Who can overcome this weakness? No, it is correct to say that only by overcoming this weakness can one be successful in the capital market.

In one’s lifetime, people talk about how to turn over, how to cross, and how to counterattack.

These are all appearances. The essence is how to overcome oneself, see oneself clearly, and transcend human nature.

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