ETH five-day line closed, looking at this wave of callbacks as a whole, from $4,000 to $2,100, ushering in the first halving callback since entering the bull market

During the bull market, the halving market is a normal callback. The callback is just to clean up the market and make the body lighter. At the same time, the retracement to the important support is also a confirmation of the trend

Some people may think that it has been halved, how can it still be a bull market? This requires hard work on distinguishing between bull and bear markets.

Anyone who understands trading techniques can see that after ETH oscillated at the bottom for 525 days, it broke through the entire bottom oscillation stage and entered an upward trend. According to the principle of polarity conversion, pressure breakthrough becomes support. As long as this support is not broken, the trend will not change.

If the trend does not change, it will not continue to fall sharply.

When the bottom oscillates, 2000-2100 is the pressure level, which turns into support after breaking through.

In the bull market, the pressure is finally broken, so it is a heavy support. If the callback is not broken, it is a good opportunity to increase the position.

ETH's five-day line touches the bottom and shocks the support, which is also the support of the long-term rising trend line. The first five-day line closed the hammer line at the heavy support, the market stabilized, the hammer line showed a stop-loss reversal, accompanied by a huge volume, proving that the support below is very strong.

Such a hammer line with a huge volume can only form such a long lower shadow and such a large volume when the main force enters the market. Retail investors cannot do it.

From the analysis of the market trend, ETH is about to enter a new round of rising market. Many traders believe that the current global financial environment is not good, there is war, and many countries' stocks have plummeted. With so many negative factors, how can so much money flow into the cryptocurrency market? How can a bull market start without money flowing in?

But the actual situation is not like this. Recently, funds have been flowing into the cryptocurrency market through ETFs, but many people have not paid attention to it, and they don't know where to pay attention to it. They just read media news. It can only be said that trading in this way is not professional enough.

If you want to get results in the trading market, you need very strong professionalism. After all, the cryptocurrency market is a global market. It is very careless to play in such a large market just by listening to media news without doing professional analysis and research.

Trading is not a game, but a game with real money. If you don't understand it yourself and just want to get results by relying on others and listening to various news, it is obviously not possible. No matter how powerful others are, they are not as reliable as you know the business #sui/usdt #TON $ARB