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On the eve of the release of CPI data, the cryptocurrency market plummeted! Billions of assets evaporated in an instant! Is it the mysterious driving force behind the plunge? Yesterday, the cryptocurrency market experienced a wave of declines, which attracted widespread attention from the market. According to data, the total market value of cryptocurrencies fell by 3.70% to $2.59 trillion on April 9, and the cryptocurrency derivatives market also suffered a heavy blow, with a liquidation amount of up to $250 million. This fluctuation not only made investors uneasy, but also reflected the market's sensitivity to the upcoming US Consumer Price Index (CPI) report. In this wave of declines, Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market value, led the decline, falling 4.12% in 24 hours to about $68,941. At the same time, Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, was not spared, falling 4.63% during the same period, and its price slipped to $3,508. Such price fluctuations have undoubtedly exacerbated market tensions. So, what exactly caused the decline in the cryptocurrency market? We can interpret it from multiple dimensions. First, the CPI data to be released in the United States has become the focus of the market. Before the data was released, investors generally expected the index to be higher than expected, which triggered market concerns about inflation. CPI is a key indicator for measuring price changes in a basket of goods and services, and is of great reference value for the Fed's monetary policy formulation. Therefore, changes in CPI data often directly affect investors' decisions, and then have an impact on financial markets. In this case, traders are anxiously waiting for the release of CPI data. They know that this data is not only related to the inflation level, but also likely to affect the Fed's interest rate adjustment decision. If the CPI data is higher than expected, it may mean rising inflationary pressure, which will increase the pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates, thereby putting pressure on risky assets. On the contrary, if the CPI data is lower than expected, it may ease the market's inflation concerns and provide some support for risky assets. In addition to CPI data, there are other macroeconomic events that are also affecting the cryptocurrency market. For example, the Producer Price Index (PPI), the number of initial jobless claims, and the ECB's interest rate decisions.Changes in these events may have a direct or indirect impact on the cryptocurrency market. Against this backdrop, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market is not difficult to understand. Investors tend to act cautiously when faced with uncertainty. This cautious sentiment led to risk aversion in the market before the release of the CPI data, which triggered the decline in the cryptocurrency market. In addition, liquidation in the futures market is also an important reason for the decline in the cryptocurrency market. When bullish traders are caught off guard by falling prices, long liquidations occur quickly. In the past 24 hours, more than $242.87 million of long positions in the entire cryptocurrency market have been liquidated. This large-scale liquidation not only exacerbated the market's downward trend, but also further hit investor confidence. It is worth mentioning that the outflow of spot Bitcoin ETFs has also turned negative. This shows that investors' risk appetite for the cryptocurrency market is declining. In uncertain or bearish market conditions, investors may prefer to hold cash or invest in more traditional and less volatile assets. This phenomenon of capital outflow has undoubtedly put further pressure on the cryptocurrency market. However, despite many unfavorable factors, the cryptocurrency market still has its unique charm. The approaching Bitcoin halving event has made market participants still optimistic about the upside potential of the crypto market. Bitcoin halving is a mechanism to reduce the supply of Bitcoin by reducing mining rewards, which is seen as a long-term support for Bitcoin prices. Therefore, although the market may fluctuate in the short term due to various factors, the cryptocurrency market still has broad room for development in the long run. In summary, the decline in the cryptocurrency market is the result of the combined effect of multiple factors. From the release of macroeconomic data to the liquidation of the futures market to the outflow of funds from the spot Bitcoin ETF, these factors are intertwined and jointly affect the market trend. #大盘走势 #BTC大饼减半,

On the eve of the release of CPI data, the cryptocurrency market plummeted! Billions of assets evaporated in an instant! Is it the mysterious driving force behind the plunge?

Yesterday, the cryptocurrency market experienced a wave of declines, which attracted widespread attention from the market. According to data, the total market value of cryptocurrencies fell by 3.70% to $2.59 trillion on April 9, and the cryptocurrency derivatives market also suffered a heavy blow, with a liquidation amount of up to $250 million. This fluctuation not only made investors uneasy, but also reflected the market's sensitivity to the upcoming US Consumer Price Index (CPI) report.

In this wave of declines, Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market value, led the decline, falling 4.12% in 24 hours to about $68,941. At the same time, Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency, was not spared, falling 4.63% during the same period, and its price slipped to $3,508. Such price fluctuations have undoubtedly exacerbated market tensions.

So, what exactly caused the decline in the cryptocurrency market? We can interpret it from multiple dimensions.

First, the CPI data to be released in the United States has become the focus of the market. Before the data was released, investors generally expected the index to be higher than expected, which triggered market concerns about inflation. CPI is a key indicator for measuring price changes in a basket of goods and services, and is of great reference value for the Fed's monetary policy formulation. Therefore, changes in CPI data often directly affect investors' decisions, and then have an impact on financial markets.

In this case, traders are anxiously waiting for the release of CPI data. They know that this data is not only related to the inflation level, but also likely to affect the Fed's interest rate adjustment decision. If the CPI data is higher than expected, it may mean rising inflationary pressure, which will increase the pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates, thereby putting pressure on risky assets. On the contrary, if the CPI data is lower than expected, it may ease the market's inflation concerns and provide some support for risky assets.

In addition to CPI data, there are other macroeconomic events that are also affecting the cryptocurrency market. For example, the Producer Price Index (PPI), the number of initial jobless claims, and the ECB's interest rate decisions.Changes in these events may have a direct or indirect impact on the cryptocurrency market.

Against this backdrop, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market is not difficult to understand. Investors tend to act cautiously when faced with uncertainty. This cautious sentiment led to risk aversion in the market before the release of the CPI data, which triggered the decline in the cryptocurrency market.

In addition, liquidation in the futures market is also an important reason for the decline in the cryptocurrency market. When bullish traders are caught off guard by falling prices, long liquidations occur quickly. In the past 24 hours, more than $242.87 million of long positions in the entire cryptocurrency market have been liquidated. This large-scale liquidation not only exacerbated the market's downward trend, but also further hit investor confidence.

It is worth mentioning that the outflow of spot Bitcoin ETFs has also turned negative. This shows that investors' risk appetite for the cryptocurrency market is declining. In uncertain or bearish market conditions, investors may prefer to hold cash or invest in more traditional and less volatile assets. This phenomenon of capital outflow has undoubtedly put further pressure on the cryptocurrency market.

However, despite many unfavorable factors, the cryptocurrency market still has its unique charm. The approaching Bitcoin halving event has made market participants still optimistic about the upside potential of the crypto market. Bitcoin halving is a mechanism to reduce the supply of Bitcoin by reducing mining rewards, which is seen as a long-term support for Bitcoin prices. Therefore, although the market may fluctuate in the short term due to various factors, the cryptocurrency market still has broad room for development in the long run.

In summary, the decline in the cryptocurrency market is the result of the combined effect of multiple factors. From the release of macroeconomic data to the liquidation of the futures market to the outflow of funds from the spot Bitcoin ETF, these factors are intertwined and jointly affect the market trend. #大盘走势 #BTC大饼减半,

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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BTC只要不跌破60000,多头没有问题,目前处于盘整阶段,这个时间会比较长,和之前的预期一样,6月市场开始回暖,静待市场,目前很多山寨处于绝对的底部,可适当埋伏一些,静待山寨爆发季。 全球金融市场不断变化,上市公司和主权国家都在寻找新的策略来保值和增值其资产。近日,上市投资公司Metaplanet决定将比特币添加为其储备资产,以作为对抗日元贬值的对冲工具。而萨尔瓦多在2021年成为了世界上第一个正式采用比特币作为法定货币的国家,并且已经积累了超过5700枚比特币,其平均购入成本为每枚43,097美元。这两个案例不仅体现了比特币作为一种新型资产类别的崛起,更突显了其在全球经济体系中日益重要的角色。 比特币的加入作为储备资产,显示了企业和国家对传统金融体系之外的资产配置的认可和青睐。Metaplanet的举措可能预示着一个趋势,即更多的公司将比特币视为一种价值储存和对冲传统货币波动的工具。特别是在全球经济不确定性增加,传统货币价值波动加大的背景下,比特币提供了一种新的选择来保护资产价值。 萨尔瓦多的例子则更加激进,它将比特币的法律地位提升到了与本国货币同等的地位。这不仅展示了该国政府对数字货币的深刻认识和前瞻性布局,也反映了比特币在全球范围内的接受度和影响力正在迅速提升。萨尔瓦多通过官方渠道购买和持有大量比特币,实际上是在进行一种金融创新实验,这种实验可能会对未来全球货币体系的演变产生深远影响。
大盘接下来是涨还是跌?为什么之前的牛市能拉的那么猛,现在的牛市普遍萎靡不振?如果你现阶段比较迷茫,没有方向,我这里币圈小港湾。 截止到今天大饼已经连续高位横盘震荡了近两个月了,让很多朋友开始对大饼失去信心,那么大饼接下来是涨还是跌呢?在我看来市场情绪悲观反而是好事,因为行情总是在分歧中不断的发展,没有这些看空的人,主力怎么吸筹,主力吸不到筹码,控制不住盘面,大饼怎么上涨,怎么突破,对吧?现在的行情是典型的要把散户磨走,典型的空头结构,但是又不暴跌,他也不走强,这种情况最少还是要持续一段时间的,而且本能行情出现了很多新常态,ETF的出现让整个币圈的波动都变小了,2021年山寨如果出现同样的指标,应该已经腰斩3次了,比特币应该去到5万甚至4万了,可是现在山寨仅腰斩了一次,比特币维持在6万,所以我坚信大饼还是会继续上涨的,不管你现在是空仓还是满仓,不管你拿的是什么币种请继续持币不动摇,耐得住寂寞还能守得住繁华。其次,为什么以前的牛市能拉的那么猛,现在的牛市普遍萎靡不振的。 首先,以前的币圈市场,相对于比较小,大家在选择币种时相对于集中,所以一旦某个币种受到了市场的追捧,那价格就能迅速的攀升。而现在市场已经变得非常庞大了,各种币层出不穷,大家选择变得多样化了,这也导致了市场资金变得分散,难以形成大规模的上涨行情 其次,之前币种流通的市值,相对于比较低,比较小的资金就能带来比较大的涨幅,而现在,很多主流币种的流通市值已经非常庞了,需要更多的资金才能推动它的价格上涨,除了这些还有就是以前的牛市赛道相对于比较少,大家更容易形成共识推动市场上涨,而现在币圈出现了各种各样的板块和概念,大家容可以分散注意力,难以形成合力,而且市场的玩家数量递增不够多,加上很多人对比特币和区块链还不了解,这个也限制了市场的上涨空间。 最后,讲讲项目方,现在的项目方,往往更关注短期利益,缺乏长远的眼光和格局,这也影响了市场的健康发展。那么回顾这一些大家可以发现现在的币圈已经发生了很多的变化,最后,还是希望大家能够保持理性,谨慎投资,做一个合格的币圈人。 点击头像关注我,找我在币圈的小港湾!#etc减产 #btc走勢

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