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Market summary: For the current market situation, the shrinking rise represents that the market sentiment is gradually warming up. As of now, the sentiment of Bitcoin production reduction has not been hyped, so there are still opportunities. At the same time, in the current Bitcoin rebound, we need to pay attention to the breakthrough of resistance. If the resistance level cannot be successfully broken, it will fall again and then rebound again. This trend will indicate that there will be a wave of extreme market conditions in the near future. This is the result brought to us by the technical side. At the same time, if the rebound cannot break through the previous high of the daily line, and the decline cannot fall below the previous low, it proves that the market shock range is compressed, and the sentiment needs to explode after accumulating strength. Therefore, for contract users, it is necessary to operate more cautiously in the near future. As for the spot, before the Bitcoin halving lands, it is difficult for me to find a full use of the bearish market, and Ethereum's strength today, coupled with the activeness of the cottage part, may bring more opportunities to retail investors in the market. So before the Bitcoin halving lands, we just hold positions and wait for the results. In this round of bull market, Bitcoin ecology will be an important theme, and some blockchain projects driven by US capital will also burst out with good power. If there is no substantial progress in technology, people who are disappointed with technological innovation may once again promote the meme sector. #大盘走势

Market summary:

For the current market situation, the shrinking rise represents that the market sentiment is gradually warming up. As of now, the sentiment of Bitcoin production reduction has not been hyped, so there are still opportunities.

At the same time, in the current Bitcoin rebound, we need to pay attention to the breakthrough of resistance. If the resistance level cannot be successfully broken, it will fall again and then rebound again. This trend will indicate that there will be a wave of extreme market conditions in the near future. This is the result brought to us by the technical side. At the same time, if the rebound cannot break through the previous high of the daily line, and the decline cannot fall below the previous low, it proves that the market shock range is compressed, and the sentiment needs to explode after accumulating strength.

Therefore, for contract users, it is necessary to operate more cautiously in the near future.

As for the spot, before the Bitcoin halving lands, it is difficult for me to find a full use of the bearish market, and Ethereum's strength today, coupled with the activeness of the cottage part, may bring more opportunities to retail investors in the market. So before the Bitcoin halving lands, we just hold positions and wait for the results.

In this round of bull market, Bitcoin ecology will be an important theme, and some blockchain projects driven by US capital will also burst out with good power. If there is no substantial progress in technology, people who are disappointed with technological innovation may once again promote the meme sector.


Macroeconomics and news:

There are two important time points this week, CPI inflation on Wednesday and the Fed's monetary minutes on Thursday morning. Originally, the monetary minutes were the theme, but now that the market has recognized that there will be no interest rate hikes or cuts, the Fed's monetary minutes may not seem so important.

As one of the references for inflation data, CPI data was not as important as the PCE index, but after the speeches of Powell and the Fed's hawkish officials last week, the market is eager to learn about the Fed's interest rate cuts through inflation data.

So at present, CPI is the data with the highest focus this week, followed by the speeches of Fed officials in the Fed's monetary minutes after the data is released. The market can reasonably anticipate the Fed's interest rate cuts this year through CPI data and speeches.

Affected by the US employment data last Friday, the Fed's expectations for interest rate cuts this year have been reduced from three to two, and the expectations for interest rate cuts in June and July have been postponed to September. In the short term, the risk market will not hope that various data will show that the interest rate cuts in the past few years will be further reduced.

In fact, my personal understanding is that there is no need to consider the data to judge the Fed's interest rate cuts for the time being, but of course market expectations are still a reference. I think that before the Fed actually cuts interest rates in the future, data and speeches are smokescreens. The problems that the United States needs to face are not just data and speeches that can alleviate them.

If last week's employment data represents the strong foundation of the US economy, why is the increase in employment so strange? It is not the increase in employment data for mainstream occupations. Is it because Americans who once tried to play badly have begun to try various jobs to fight the pressure of life?

Why is the recovery of production data accompanied by a decrease in electricity consumption? The production industry has also begun to reduce consumption with new energy?

So for some of the data currently released by the United States, the purpose of disrupting the outside world's understanding of the Fed's real actions is important.

Moreover, I am a little skeptical whether it is really necessary to wait until the risk market and the outside world are immune to the Fed's data, and suddenly announce a rate cut to catch everyone off guard.Of course, this view cannot be verified and can only be regarded as speculation.

In the crypto market, there was no data or news that required special attention on Monday.
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宏观分析是否适用于微观结果? 宏观分析就是吹概念,跟着宏观走方向反而错,看宏观亏成狗! 对不起,还是忍不住吐槽一下,这是从去年到现在我数次看到的结论,关于宏观经济的观点,很多人是报以嗤之以鼻的态度,甚至觉得宏观分析做交易就是“死”。 宏观其实是一种视角,是一种观察金融市场角度而已,那么因此我们可以理解,其实观察市场还有更多的角度,根据角度问题,我也查了下资料,给大家简单分享: 宏观分析:用于评估整体经济环境,预测市场趋势,对长期投资策略提供指导。 微观分析:帮助理解个别公司或行业的市场表现,制定具体投资决策 技术分析:用于短期交易决策,识别买卖信号。 基本面分析:用于长期投资决策,寻找被低估的股票。 定量分析:用于风险管理、资产配置和投资组合优化。 行为金融学分析:解释市场异常波动和泡沫现象,制定更合理的投资策略。 事件驱动分析:捕捉短期交易机会,根据事件影响进行套利。 环境、社会和治理(ESG)分析:为注重可持续发展和社会责任的投资者提供指导。 以上是在传统金融领域的角度细分的大概,我们可以看出,观察市场的角度有很多,而不同的角度观察得出的结论与适用场景不同。 而分析,就是利用多角度,多维度的视角去理解看待市场,然后根据想要达到的预期来完成结论。 以上的分类,其实很多大佬都占有其中的好几项,虽然不是全能,但是也会参考更多的角度去分析结果,但是,每个人的预期与目的不同,你对一个看牛熊周期的人说短期收益如何,本身就属于耍流氓。而你对一个追求短期利润的人来说未来多么好的价值收益,也属于画饼耍流氓。每个人的预期不同,所以想要的结果也不同,而用到的理论也不同。只有理智的判断,合理的运用才可以找到适合自己的。永远没有最好的策略,只有最适合自己的。 就像玄学,为何有人学会了就是大师,有人却成了神棍? 核心的原因就是,有人学了之后,懂得哪怕是玄学,带给我们的依然是一个参考值,是需要再结合人生的很多变量来参考的,所以最终结论未必正确,能给你的答案也是模糊的。 而有的人,学过之后,就刻板的认为得出的结果就是一定的,那么过分的肯定认可就变得极端,导致最终患得患失,甚至自我怀疑,最终疯疯癫癫。 所以,不管是宏观,还是微观亦或者技术等等,大家都是以各视角的参考来学习判断,而且互联网上的各类大佬也在不停地学习其他角度的东西来验证自己的思考模式,这是一种自我的成长与验证。 你跟宏观讲今天比特币是涨1000点还是跌1000点,就像你跟微观技术大佬讲未来何时降息引发金融风险一类的都是同理,大家可能都抱有各自的观点,只是很多人并未全部表达出来而已,而这种不表达,并不代表不会。 而观众一定要了解自己想要的是什么结果,再去决定自己想要的是什么内容。 你今天想开合约,但是你去看宏观理论内容,你亏少了都算是幸运的。宏观讲究的大周期的判断,是资产整体收益的预期,而短期波动不考虑,而你的目的是合约,是赚短期的钱,所以你看了忽略短期风险的内容,你就会发现你是亏的。 同理,你想屯币到牛市,结果看了短期观点,认为暴跌,结果把筹码卖掉,再也接不回来,同样的道理。短期交易暴跌可能是1万点,但是你比特币的成本可能是在3万,你为何要担心?为何要恐惧?这是因为你不明白你要的是什么! 微观技术短期的收益来源于实力,同样宏观分析大周期的资产成长也是来源于实力。 很多人可能觉得宏观不做交易,做了也是亏,但是殊不知,宏观分析的人也会借助国家微观的判断以及技术来做短线交易,只不过投资比例不同而已。 也有很多人认为微观技术一直赚的不错,收益很好,但是殊不知一年的盈利,大周期上判断错可能一个错误就是收益大回撤。 其实,在一级 二级市场,做交易,只要你的钱不离开交易,其实严格意义上都不算是你的。 人类的视角太慢了,慢到有时候只在乎一小时几小时的波动,所以在这类慢的视角中,很多人都看不到未来1年3年5年的周期性,导致只能在之后的某天听别人暴富自由的传说,殊不知,被人在小周期被折磨过多少次,最终坚持到了大周期的胜利! 宏观看大局,微观技术看细微,这个时候各类技术角度都要结合,大家互相尊重,也互相认可,然后互相学习才是王道。 #BTC走势分析 #宏观与微观
BTC/ETH 盘面解析: 注意一个关键区间与一个支撑 今天公布的PCE数据,理论上数据带来了利好,情绪上并未有太多的作用。周末大盘基本依旧是保持低流动性横盘。不过在横盘之前,市场是要消化一下抛压的。因为沉寂了一周的横盘,PCE数据虽然小利好,但是比特币价格并未达到某些群体的预期,他们可能会短期抛售一波。 就如周四我的帖子中提到的一样,如果PCE利空也就是测试一下支撑而已,目前数据利好,但是作用不大的前提下,最坏的结果也是周末测试支撑而已。 比特币: 65,000-67,200,支撑区间,介于比特币价格非常接近67,200,考虑到会有抛压需要消化,所以以下方65,000的密集支撑区作为一个缓冲支撑形成一个支撑区间,周末这个区间基本会形成有效防守,不跌破,就不会有太大问题。 以太坊: 月线3560,依旧是关键位置。这个位置虽然距离现价有一定的距离,但是这个支撑是要考虑到下周没有太多有效数据加上美联储讲话的空窗期,所以价格只要保持在该位置之上,基本就问题不大。同时,以太坊的短期的波动以及后续的震荡,是有助于日线布林带的调整收缩。而真正会造成以太坊突破或者下跌的具体因素,依旧是要看6月份是否会出现 ETF S-1文件的更新情况。当然,如果文件审核预期过长,短期市场也会自然下跌,毕竟市场中还是有不少人过于心急。 稍后我们关注市场数据,看看在大盘暂时稳定阶段,山寨周末是否有更多机会。 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件

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