#大盘走势 #Meme #WIF #sui #BTC For most people, including me

Maybe only contracts and cottages are not fun...

When the price of Bitcoin broke through the historical high, it continued for a short period of time

Then it pulled back to retest the resistance and converted it into support. The historical high point in the past

Open the weekly chart, in fact, everything is just right from a technical point of view

Not fast or slow, orderly, and prices rise in an orderly manner

But corresponding to the positions of contracts and cottages, it is not quite the same

The former has too much leverage, and the latter has too much volatility

Once the position is large and the volatility is too large, the leverage also raises the threshold of the position mentality

So, only take the spot, 🐍区茄薇:1742540051 only hoard big cakes and sesame cakes, which is also the first choice for most people

Well, this is a view of recharging faith

The bull is still there, don't panic

I know there are still many people waiting for a callback. But the shock + correction in the past 4 weeks may not be as deep as imagined.

If you wait for the weekly correction, you will definitely not be able to wait in the near future, maybe until 25-26 years.

At present, it seems that either it will return to the 4-hour trend line, pull back to about 6w1, and then fly to 9w.

Or it will return to the daily trend line, pull back to 5w1-5w5, and then fly to 9w.

In any case, there is not much garbage time in the market in April.

Are there any promising targets? You can find a low entry in the past two weeks.

After all, once it starts, it is difficult to get on the train. Think about NEAR/AR/YGG we talked about before.