I don't understand all the panic of people to sell your coins at a loss price.

This is how the market works, sometimes there is an increase and sometimes there is a decrease! It's all about proper risk management

selling your coins now is exactly what the rich want you to do! that you sell your coins at a cheaper price and that way they can buy more and get rich at your expense.

This is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer

Think about it, when the value of your currency increases, what does everyone say to themselves? "How come I didn't buy more when the price was lower"

So why not take advantage of the opportunity now and buy at a discounted price?

Hold on to your coins that you believe in, don't let other people take them from you cheaply

And always remember that the market is affected by Bitcoin As soon as its price drops, everything else drops accordingly

Invest wisely!

Trading is not a profession for the impatient Be patient, be optimistic!

Everything Will Be Alright!

This is my personal opinion only and should not be considered a financial recommendation for one action or another!

#Optimisim #HoldAndWait