$BOME Today's market is crazy. I bought at 0.0144 yesterday. When I saw it was 0.0155 in the morning, I closed the position immediately. Later, I kept trying to buy again at 0.0144, but I didn't buy it. All signs show that today's market is very hard and it can't fall. Even if it is a pin, it will be withdrawn quickly. It keeps going up and is eager to try. In fact, it is obvious whether the market is rising or falling. Sometimes you don't hesitate, just buy it when you should.

I bought it at 0.012 that year, but now I'm doing swing trading all the way, and the profit is less than one-tenth, so faith is also very important.

Just treat it as paying tuition. If you miss a BOME, there will be thousands of them in the future. Don't be lazy. As long as the bull doesn't fall, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.