$BOME Friends, I am very scared and don't know what to do. I have lost too much. I almost never lost money when I played around before. One day I saw BOME and I got addicted. I lost 5000U for the first time that day. I kept losing money afterwards. The more I wanted to get my money back, the more I lost. Today I gave myself an ultimatum. Finally I got an asset, 5000U, and wanted to hold it for a long time. I thought I could make up for the losses. But it #BOME ran out of nowhere and smashed the market inhumanely. I saw so many people scolding it. I really don't know what to do. I want to hold it for a long time, but this is a cottage currency. The cake may fall by half or even two-thirds, and the cottage is bottomless. It can fall to only one-tenth, or even to zero. Even if there is more margin, it will never be able to turn over without a liquidation. Please give me some advice. I am really tired and can't stand it anymore.