I do volume and pricing, and I do Wyckoff.

But it is not that Wyckoff is absolute,

Everyone should find a trading strategy that suits their own personality.

Wyckoff and volume-price are just underlying technologies.

It is not a trading strategy;

Everyone's personality is different, and they blindly copy other people's strategies.

It may not be suitable for you. If others use it, they will keep making money.

If you apply mechanically, it will be awkward and you will keep losing money.

There is a diamond guy in my group who just invests and buys, and he can’t hold it.

There are also stud brothers, heavy warehouses and hot spots, directly a7,

When we were talking nonsense at night, another lottery guy showed up and bought all the top 100 in market value.

I myself also use 90% of the spot cash and 10% for betting on dogs.

(After all, traders can’t leave the casino without getting raw hands)

Whatever suits you,

However, my suggestion is that you must use Wyckoff and volume and price as your technical base.
