The biggest feeling I have from recent trading is to block out the noise, so I have quit and blocked all the groups that talk about the market and all the spam groups. These noises: missed, didn’t copy to the bottom, didn’t escape the top, have to stop loss again, make and lose money, can’t go back, the price will hit a new high soon, the violent bull market can’t get on the train anymore, I want to chase, what should I do if it falls again after just chasing. You may occasionally look at these noises, and you will laugh at them for being stupid, but over time you will also be subtly influenced by some of the noise content. In this market, no matter whether it is long or short, band, or trend, as long as you can act according to your own logic and plan, you can get the corresponding profit and loss and experience, but people are often people, not robots. People’s logic in a rational state is likely to be self-consistent, with a beginning and an end. Once some impurities and emotions interfere, they will doubt themselves, doubt their plans, and then terminate their plans, messy operations, and their thoughts are also dominated by emotions, so that trading is chaotic and they lose money back and forth. Based on this feeling, I will no longer engage in abstraction or emotion in the future. I will only output logical content, but my friends, you should also understand that my logic is only suitable for my own trading system, and I will also make many mistakes. So when reading my content, you should only use it as a logical reference, think for yourself, make your own plans, and do not blindly trust the overall reference. ☺️☺️☺️