Fans come to me and ask me what should I do? First of all, if you use the word "accidentally enter", you will know that you have not realized that it is not the currency circle that makes you lose money, but your lack of knowledge to support you in making money in this market. Every time your position is liquidated and returns to 0, you I didn’t summarize the reasons why I lost money, and I didn’t expect why you ended up at 0. It was because your ability and knowledge were not enough to control the contract. You didn’t play spot games honestly, but allowed your greed to amplify infinitely. In the end, The result is obvious,

Personally, I think there are two biggest misunderstandings given to novices in the currency circle:
1: Reward error: When a novice makes his first money by mistake, he thinks he earned it based on his own strength. Little did he know that you made a transaction on the wrong side (technical/news/macro), but The market just went in the direction you wanted. This was just because you were lucky at the time (the market immediately rewarded you for this wrong behavior). The market can even reward you for your wrong behavior/transaction many times, so you immediately added Big investment, but ultimately all lost.
2: Treat a small profit as a loss. When you see (think) a certain currency, you immediately want to make a transaction (whether spot or contract), but you are hesitant. So when the market really goes in the direction you want, you always regret why you didn’t enter the market. If you had entered the market decisively, you would have made so much money now. So you immediately start to buy high and sell low, but eventually you will lose 0. Do you know why you are hesitant? Because your cognition, technology, and understanding of the macro-economic environment are not enough to support you to make this decision immediately, so you hesitate and buy high and sell low.

Summary: You should pay less tuition fees in the cryptocurrency circle, and earn more money. Every penny you earn is a reward for your improved cognition, and every penny you lose is a punishment for your ignorance. That's why people always say that you can never make money beyond your cognition. It is the right way to be down-to-earth and not to participate in the financial market with a gambling mentality. Don't dream of getting rich overnight. Also, you should use your spare money for investment, and you can't let life outside the circle affect your operations in the circle.