I made 110,000 yuan with 3,000 yuan in 2 days. I have experienced it!

Let me tell you how I made 110,000 yuan with 3,000 yuan a night:

Strictly speaking, it is 500U {about 3500)

The whole process made 3 contracts, which are as follows!

First: Open 60% position (100 times), about 30,000 U holdings, long ether!

Yihao received a sudden message that night. A US official sent a message, which roughly meant that the probability of the US Securities and Exchange Commission passing the ETF rose to 75%. After this stimulus, Ethereum rose nearly 20% in a single day.

As for me, I almost ate the whole wave.

The funds increased from 500U to nearly 6000U;

In the second game, I used 6000U to open 50% (100 times)

Keep chasing more, keep eating, keep having fun!

On the second day, I took nearly 1.5% (4500U)

Including the principal, it has reached nearly 11,000 U.

The third time, I made a small coin BB, just when it was in the rising channel, I made a small wave!

I used 11,000 U to open a 20% contract (20 times), which means I held nearly 70,000 U and earned nearly 5,000 U.

With these 3 operations, I increased my 500U to 15000U;

OK, back to the point, what conclusion did I draw?

1. There is a saying in the cryptocurrency circle: Become a contract, and fail as well!

The cryptocurrency world is indeed a place where poor people can create myths, and it is also a place where many people can become rich overnight!

Contracts are where I think the risks are the greatest, but also the opportunities are the greatest. If you want to make a fortune in the cryptocurrency world, you must read the following suggestions!

Suggestion 1: Low position and low leverage operation

The most important thing about contract trading is not how much you can earn at one time, but to survive continuously and try to increase your funds by snowballing. It can be said that it is definitely easy to make more than 10,000U, while less than 1,000U is basically a gamble; the range of 1,000 to 10,000U mainly depends on technology, discipline, and mentality!

I won't talk about the ones below 1000U, it all depends on gamble!

For operations above 3000U, my suggestion is to keep the position below 1/5 and the leverage below 50 times (big cake and concubine); this can greatly reduce your risk!

As we all know, the biggest risk of a contract is a margin call, and there are many reasons that can easily lead to a margin call. One of them is being pulled up and down suddenly and without reason. If the space is too small, it is easy to be pulled up and exploded. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a space of more than 5,000 points. Therefore, low positions and low leverage are very important!

To put it bluntly, the purpose of low position and low leverage is to keep you alive. Only if you survive, you will have a chance!

Suggestion 2: Transaction frequency must be low

The transaction frequency must be low. This is what I consider to be the golden rule for doing cryptocurrency. How low is the transaction frequency? Less than 2 times a day (if you are trapped for a short period of time, you may only do it once every 2-3 days). Reducing the number of transactions has these benefits;

Benefit 1: Having enough time to analyze and study each transaction will greatly increase the accuracy rate; the reality is that many people's first operation every day often has the highest accuracy rate, and the more times they make suggestions, the easier it is to make mistakes!

Benefit 2: It can avoid emotional trading; most of the currency friends suffer losses not because of extreme market conditions, but after a large number of transactions, if the error rate is high, then the emotions must be serious, and the final problem is all due to emotions!

Benefit 3: Reduced handling fees. This is beyond doubt. In reality, many high-frequency trading players may lose less money than the handling fees. Of course, this is both yours and not yours!

Suggestion 3: Avoid passion and emotional manipulation

Passionate operations and emotional operations are the two types of people who lose everything in the cryptocurrency circle. One is that they can't control their hands, and the other is that they can't control their thoughts!

What are the specific solutions to the above two questions?

Passionate operation: directly click on the 15-minute line to operate, operate as soon as it is on, feel that there is a market trend as soon as there is a little wind blowing, and have to operate, etc. These situations are passionate operations; behind the passionate operation, in fact, is the lack of control over the hands, easy to get excited, and the results are generally not very good!

Emotional operation: unable to control one's own thoughts, mainly manifested in mindless resistance to orders and counter-trend operations; to be more specific, a unilateral trend has been formed, and one is obviously aware of this situation, but is unwilling to cut losses, but instead resists until the position is liquidated!

I define this as emotional operation, getting angry with myself and always holding on to a glimmer of hope. In fact, the easiest thing to go wrong in the cryptocurrency world is holding on to hope!

So, my advice is, you must be bold!

Don't operate against the trend. When the direction is clear, you must dare to cut losses; when to go, go, when to stay, operate decisively, admit mistakes, mistakes in a certain direction will definitely exist, but you can't let the mistakes end, then it will really end!

Tip 4: Small coins are extremely risky

I don’t recommend playing with small coins. As we all know, although small coins teach you about money, the risk is too high. You can be right 10 times, but if you make a mistake once, it is very likely that you will be ruined!

Therefore, I personally do not recommend playing with small coins!
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