
Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain, two founding partners of Multicoin Capital, shared several views in the latest episode of Empire podcast:

1. L2 has limitations in inheriting the security of L1.

2. Filecoin has become a meaningful ecosystem comparable to Ethereum and Solana.

3. Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) was launched, introducing programmable payments for storage, retrieval, bandwidth, and computing, making Filecoin programmable.

4. The local Filecoin retrieval market went live in January. Although it is still in game currency testing mode, it will eventually realize real payments and enable exciting applications.

5. When asked if there is a difference between Arweave and Filecoin, Kyle pointed out that MultiCoin considered the simplicity of Arweave in 2019, but now considers Filecoin as a superset of Arweave, which has more optionality and configurability due to its parameterization capabilities, allowing developers to customize storage parameters such as the number of replicas, unlike Arweave's single parameter.

6. Kyle also believes that Filecoin and Arweave may coexist for a long time, but Filecoin provides greater flexibility and potential application cases due to its higher configurability.