Most of the lower-class Hong Kong people have long lost their chances, and so have Europe, America, and Japan. China has also begun to enter this stage. Now only web3 has a chance, and then there is TikTok. The former has a large enough leverage, and the latter has a large enough scale. If they want to develop, they must follow these two tracks. As I mentioned in the previous article, both tracks lack good product managers. Short videos are also products, but TikTok's short videos can be richer and more diversified. Even though TikTok has been developed for so long, it still lacks mature product managers. Because the threshold was low in the early days, many people born after 1995 and 2000 surpassed those born after 1980 in the TikTok track. The same is true in the cryptocurrency circle. Many people born after 1980 and 1990 in the cryptocurrency circle have already surpassed the players born after the reform and opening up, or even the Internet.

We must firmly believe that there are new products in every era. The lack of opportunities is because most people dare not choose to break through, not because there are really no opportunities in this market. The so-called lack of opportunities is actually competition, and behind the competition is that most people do not want to participate in the competition and do not want to be more competitive.

A mature society is one where the classes are clearly defined, and the corresponding objective rules are also very perfect, which makes people lose the idea of ​​breaking through. It is difficult for ordinary people to overcome, and they dare not even think about it. Every rule gives you a sense of impossibility, which is the most terrifying thing, unless you are extremely strong in your heart and can see through the rules. You can fight against the established rules, which is Musk's first principle. You must have such thinking and such a person in your bones.

Japan is already the country with the most perfect rules in the world, no doubt about it, but what it can do is that even if you are at the bottom of society, you will not live such a miserable life. The society as a whole is good, and even the worst 100-yen store has good things. A dishwasher can travel to Hawaii once every two months. If you can afford it, you dare to go.

Even the lowest-level workers in Japan have their own ideas and can accept themselves as they are. Japan is a country that is very suitable for ordinary people. It does not emphasize fighting alone, which is not our heroism.

Remember, there is no better place! Wherever you are, you should strive to be better there.