Lethal Integration: Vulnerabilities in Hooks Due to Risky Interactions

As highlighted in our previous article, over 30% of projects in the Awesome Uniswap v4 Hooks repository exhibit vulnerabilities. We'll focus on two critical aspects:

- Flawed Access Control: Proper access controls are crucial for secure Hook-PoolManager and Hook-Internal interactions.

Improper Input Validation: Inadequate validation of registered pools can create attack vectors.

Vulnerability Analysis:

-Flawed Access Control:Hook-PoolManager Interaction: Strict access controls must be enforced on callback functions to prevent exploitation by malicious actors.Hook-Internal --Interaction: The absence of restrictions on internal function calls poses a vulnerability.

Exploitation & Mitigation:

Use poolManagerOnly and selfOnly modifiers to control access.Exploitation examples highlight the need for stringent access controls to avoid unexpected behaviors.

Improper Input Validation:Proper Access Control: Use poolManagerOnly and selfOnly modifiers to restrict access to sensitive functions.Reentrancy Lock: Consider implementing a reentrancy lock to prevent malicious logic from re-entering sensitive functions.Whitelisting Approach: Admin approval for whitelisted pools can enhance security but limits functionality.

Hooks in Uniswap v4 may have vulnerabilities in access control and input validation. Developers must balance security and functionality, understanding every line of their contracts for safety.

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