What is GenomeFi? What does it do?

The GenomeFi Foundation was established to create an artificial intelligence big data platform that can use personal genome information to participate in the development of the biomedical industry and expand the boundaries of medical care. It aims to expand and innovate genomic services in blockchain and Web3.0 through individual genome decentralized identifiers (GDID). The GenomeFi Foundation enables individuals and participants from different countries and companies to combine. GenomeFi GDaaS (genome data as a service), BaaS (blockchain as a service) and artificial intelligence technology create new value through GDID (genome decentralized identifier).

Participation link:


The event will start at 09:00 UTC+0 on March 21, 2024, and end at 00:00 UTC+0 on April 6, 2024. By participating in the event, all participants will receive "GENO", which can be exchanged at a ratio of 10:1 later!