Binance super benefits! ! A must do! !

The Binance old user event you want is here. Users who already have a Binance account before this event and have never traded futures can participate.

First click into the software, open a contract account, and enter the invitation code: 85205592

Then go to the event interface and click on the announcement on the homepage to see this event (complete the first contract transaction to share 700,000 ENA) or directly log in to the computer web page to register, link:

Click in and click to participate in the event immediately. Enter the next interface and click to participate immediately. You will automatically enter the contract trading interface. At this time, you can see the contract trading interface by turning off the announcement.

The transaction is over 100u, and the first 10,000 people to complete the transaction will get 40ENA, which is a few hundred dollars. Those who finish later will share 100,000 ENA equally, so the sooner the condition of 100u contract trading volume is completed, the better.