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#热门话题 #BTC In the past few days, we have seen the support situation after 62,000 US dollars. If you cannot insert the pin V, you must be mentally prepared for the shock to early April. A few days ago, I also shared in the community that you can consider ambush in batches near 62,000 US dollars. Here are all It is a position worthy of building a spot position. Today it is expected to fluctuate in the range of 61500 to 64700. The support in the range of 57600 to 592000 is relatively strong and is a promising area to stop the decline. You can refer to the above ideas Yesterday, I also shared the position switching in the community, switching some old currencies to PEPE and some new L1. PEPE is currently gaining momentum. Information Consulting: James Butterfill, director of research at CoinShares, posted on the Thailand's largest business group Charoen Pokphand Group and Gulf Energy Development Co. are vying for the country's new virtual banking license as the Bank of Thailand opens applications. Chairman Suphachai Chearavanont said CP Group's telecom unit True Corp Pcl and its partners including Ant Group are preparing bids. Gulf Energy expects a new virtual banking license to help accelerate its expansion into online businesses such as cryptocurrency trading and digital lending. Thailand may issue more than three such licenses to promote competition in the industry. At around 5:35 Beijing time today, 1,000,000,000 USDT (USD 999,565,000) was minted in Tether Treasury. Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino said that the 1 billion USDT is a supplement to the Tron network inventory. This is an authorized but unissued transaction, meaning that this additional issuance will be used for inventory in the next issuance request and chain exchange. $PEPE $BOME

#热门话题 #BTC

In the past few days, we have seen the support situation after 62,000 US dollars. If you cannot insert the pin V, you must be mentally prepared for the shock to early April. A few days ago, I also shared in the community that you can consider ambush in batches near 62,000 US dollars. Here are all It is a position worthy of building a spot position. Today it is expected to fluctuate in the range of 61500 to 64700. The support in the range of 57600 to 592000 is relatively strong and is a promising area to stop the decline. You can refer to the above ideas

Yesterday, I also shared the position switching in the community, switching some old currencies to PEPE and some new L1. PEPE is currently gaining momentum.

Information Consulting:

James Butterfill, director of research at CoinShares, posted on the

Thailand's largest business group Charoen Pokphand Group and Gulf Energy Development Co. are vying for the country's new virtual banking license as the Bank of Thailand opens applications. Chairman Suphachai Chearavanont said CP Group's telecom unit True Corp Pcl and its partners including Ant Group are preparing bids.

Gulf Energy expects a new virtual banking license to help accelerate its expansion into online businesses such as cryptocurrency trading and digital lending. Thailand may issue more than three such licenses to promote competition in the industry.

At around 5:35 Beijing time today, 1,000,000,000 USDT (USD 999,565,000) was minted in Tether Treasury.

Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino said that the 1 billion USDT is a supplement to the Tron network inventory. This is an authorized but unissued transaction, meaning that this additional issuance will be used for inventory in the next issuance request and chain exchange.


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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#大盘走势 昨晚破位62000之后,看到盘面有变,及时提醒大家先减仓出来,今天大饼已经击穿59000的支持,加速下行,目前收在57000的位置。56823左右是120日线,作为著名的牛熊分界线,这里还是可以支撑一下的,但从反弹力度来说,比较弱,那么这里大概率是撑不住的,目标还是要去我们一直在讲的51000~53000这个区间,出来的仓位在这里可以大胆补仓,这个区域必会出现大级别的反弹,之后再来判断行情的走向。 从中期趋势来看,跌破59000意味着上涨趋势告一段落,行情将进入中期回调,所以不管这次的反弹会弹多高,是要减一些仓位出来的,趋势最好的情况也是向震荡转换,起码比较长的一段时间之内是没有大的单边上涨行情可以期待了。 长期来看,整体上涨趋势还未结束,洗盘之后大饼还会有高点出现,目前看不到任何牛市结束熊市来了的迹象,不必担心!以前我们聊过,这波行情估计也是两段式的,现在是第一段的结束。 虽然老美那边降息预期不断推后,但金融风险已经累计的很高了。前几天的共和第一银行倒闭就是牺牲品,后续大概率还会出现一系列连锁反应,倒逼老美降息应对。另外一个关键的因素就是美国大选,历届大选领导人都是玩命的刺激经济,博取口碑,这次也不会例外,等到大水漫灌的时候也就是我们第二段行情的开始,期待太久的山寨季也会在那是开启! 整体来分析,虽然大家要熬上一段时间,但这个周期不会很久,多看少动,远离合约! $BTC $BOME $PEPE

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