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First of all, in the trading market, everyone must realize that I am just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who cannot be more ordinary. Ordinary people are not much more capable than others. Ordinary people cannot create the times. Those who can keep up with the times are already the best among people. Most of the time, you can make money only when you can make money. Looking back at the past few decades in China, there have been countless opportunities, market-oriented reforms, real estate, the Internet, self-media, mobile Internet, e-commerce... Even if you seize one, it is enough to change the class. Only where most people can make money, and only when most people can make money, can I have a high probability of making money there. If most people can't make money, why can you make money? The most important thing to do in a bear market is to stay on the sidelines and hold on to cash. You only need two bull markets in life, and you only need to get rich once in life. I have a relative who runs a real estate agency. During the Hefei bull market in 2015, he made more than 10 million by flipping houses during a sharp rise in the market; A friend is engaged in chip import and export in Shenzhen. During the epidemic last year, there was a shortage of Chinese chips and he earned tens of millions. Before that, they were just ordinary business people for many years. They just encountered an opportunity and changed their class. The same is true for trading and investment. Opportunities in the B circle generally come in waves every year and big waves every few years. You only need one bull market in your life, and you only need to get rich once in your life. What you need is to seize the bull market, not toss in it. All the small opportunities are meaningless to you. If people want to change their destiny, they must rely on the bull market, or the trend. Because only in a bull market or a trend, when most people can make money, can you make money. There are also many people who say that they have not made money in the bull market. That is because they have been struggling in it and failed to grasp the profits, and they have missed the entire bull market! #WLD #BTC #ETH #ORDI #aevo

First of all, in the trading market, everyone must realize that I am just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who cannot be more ordinary.

Ordinary people are not much more capable than others. Ordinary people cannot create the times. Those who can keep up with the times are already the best among people.

Most of the time, you can make money only when you can make money.

Looking back at the past few decades in China, there have been countless opportunities, market-oriented reforms, real estate, the Internet, self-media, mobile Internet, e-commerce... Even if you seize one, it is enough to change the class.

Only where most people can make money, and only when most people can make money, can I have a high probability of making money there. If most people can't make money, why can you make money?

The most important thing to do in a bear market is to stay on the sidelines and hold on to cash. You only need two bull markets in life, and you only need to get rich once in life.

I have a relative who runs a real estate agency. During the Hefei bull market in 2015, he made more than 10 million by flipping houses during a sharp rise in the market;

A friend is engaged in chip import and export in Shenzhen. During the epidemic last year, there was a shortage of Chinese chips and he earned tens of millions.

Before that, they were just ordinary business people for many years. They just encountered an opportunity and changed their class.

The same is true for trading and investment. Opportunities in the B circle generally come in waves every year and big waves every few years. You only need one bull market in your life, and you only need to get rich once in your life.

What you need is to seize the bull market, not toss in it. All the small opportunities are meaningless to you.

If people want to change their destiny, they must rely on the bull market, or the trend. Because only in a bull market or a trend, when most people can make money, can you make money. There are also many people who say that they have not made money in the bull market. That is because they have been struggling in it and failed to grasp the profits, and they have missed the entire bull market! #WLD #BTC #ETH #ORDI #aevo

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3年前,我因资金周转不开,向闺蜜借3万,也写了欠条,去年底公司发年终奖3万现金,我想着就不存银行了,直接拿过去还给闺蜜,去她家时恰巧她带着孩子在小区楼下玩,我就把钱还给她了,刚好公司打电话临时有事,我就跟闺蜜说,我先走了,就不上去了,你记得把欠条撕掉一下。想着这么好的闺蜜,应该没事,我就没有多想。 时间快过去一年了,结果昨天闺竟然打电话给我,说她公司财务状况不好,亏损严重,让我把欠她的3万还给她。 我说去年底已经还现金给她了,怎么不记得呢?她说没有啊,欠条还在这里,我就把当时的过程描述了一遍,她死咬住说没有这回事。 然而,她手上确实是有欠条,当时让她自己撕掉,我太信任她了,但现在出现这种情况,我对此有些担忧,我是不是还要再还钱3万给她呢?可我现在没有证据证明这个钱已经还了啊! 回家把这个事情跟我老公说了,她说我怎么那么傻啊,一定要拿回欠条,可我就是太信任她了啊,我确实欠考虑了。 最后我和老公商量决定还是再给她3万,从此没有这个朋友了,破财消灾,花钱买个教训,可是我真的是很不甘心啊!内心很不舒服!怎么会有这样的人呢?一点诚信都没有…… 对此,我陷入了困惑之中,不知道是否应该还这笔钱,如果不还这笔钱,我要承担什么法律责任,欢迎各位友友给点建议。#BNB #BTC #ETH #以太坊ETF批准预期 #新币挖矿 $USDC $SOL $PEPE
我部门有个小姑娘,跟着我干了 5 年,从 22 岁到 27 岁,她一直干活儿可勤奋了,也挺努力的,在公司里也是我最信得着的人,有啥事儿都能放心交给她去办。今天她突然跟我说要辞职。 辞职原因是想换个城市,上午我跟她谈了俩小时,她还是一点儿没动摇,看样子是下定决心要走了,她想去上海发展呢,她大学同学在那儿。虽然我心里头老舍不得了,但也不能拦着人家有好的发展呀,我就给了她一个月时间考虑,离职单先放我这儿了。 她说不用,一个月后,就是她走的日子。我就好奇问了一句,工作这么久,一点儿不舍都没有吗?她回答说:这就是我挣钱谋生的地儿。虽说我一直对她挺照顾的,也乐意带她、教她,但这也都是工作需要,我们俩之间的关系也就仅靠工作维系着。 听她这么说,我觉得这姑娘将来能有出息,可太明白事儿了,比起我的感性,她可理性多了,个人情感和工作关系分得可清楚了。我也不多说啥了,就在辞职单上签了字。 回想这么些年来,有好多以前一块儿共事的同事,好多从公司离开以后,就再也没联系了,甚至这辈子可能都见不着了,都只是人生中的匆匆过客罢了。但有些同事走了,我会难过挺长时间,毕竟曾经一起奋斗过。 你们也这样吗?$BTC $ETH $BNB #比特币披萨节 #ETH #5月市场关键事件 #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿

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