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Traders are winning jackpot on stupid cryptocurrency memes about politicians. Traders manage to make a jackpot by trading silly cryptocurrency memes about American politicians. The center of attention was the tokens Jeo Boden (BODEN) and Danold Tromp (TREMP) issued on the Solana (SOL) blockchain, which increased in price tenfold in a couple of days. The names of these coins represent the misspelled names of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and their symbols are clumsily drawn portraits of US presidents. To emphasize the degeneracy of these cryptocurrencies, their creators do not make plans for the development of the project and do not even try to come up with methods for using tokens, except as a other means of speculative trading. In addition to BODEN and TREMP, the market offers coins Berik Obema and Mechael Seylor, mocking the former head of the United States Barack Obama and Bitcoin fan Michael Saylor. The trader, known under the pseudonym Barker, claims that he was able to make good money by investing in Jeo Boden. Barker bought 11.73 million BODEN for $260 and two days later sold the coins for $42,000, thus increasing his capital by 161.5 times. The developer (DOGE), considered the king of cryptocurrency memes, Billy Markus called it an indicator of the dementia of society, whose representatives are ready to invest money in dummies. Accordingly, the popularity of stupid cryptocurrencies is most likely due to their deliberate stupidity. #TrendingTopic #BTC #Trump #WIF #investors

Traders are winning jackpot on stupid cryptocurrency memes about politicians.

Traders manage to make a jackpot by trading silly cryptocurrency memes about American politicians. The center of attention was the tokens Jeo Boden (BODEN) and Danold Tromp (TREMP) issued on the Solana (SOL) blockchain, which increased in price tenfold in a couple of days. The names of these coins represent the misspelled names of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and their symbols are clumsily drawn portraits of US presidents. To emphasize the degeneracy of these cryptocurrencies, their creators do not make plans for the development of the project and do not even try to come up with methods for using tokens, except as a other means of speculative trading. In addition to BODEN and TREMP, the market offers coins Berik Obema and Mechael Seylor, mocking the former head of the United States Barack Obama and Bitcoin fan Michael Saylor.

The trader, known under the pseudonym Barker, claims that he was able to make good money by investing in Jeo Boden. Barker bought 11.73 million BODEN for $260 and two days later sold the coins for $42,000, thus increasing his capital by 161.5 times. The developer (DOGE), considered the king of cryptocurrency memes, Billy Markus called it an indicator of the dementia of society, whose representatives are ready to invest money in dummies. Accordingly, the popularity of stupid cryptocurrencies is most likely due to their deliberate stupidity.

#TrendingTopic #BTC #Trump #WIF #investors

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Luxury Royal Coin LRCO-NFT Заранее ☝подписывайтесь ссылка чтобы после много вопросов не задавали пачему не досталось кому либо чтобы не было вазмущений, кто заранее поднимется тот будет иметь возможность воспользоваться такими акциями как LRCO-NFT Alien Planet. Уважаемые Подписчики , Коллекция NFT готовит хороший проект такой какой нет не где  , все говорят что толку с картинки , мы с ними согласны да действительно что толку с картинки , но у нас разрабатывается проект для нашей коллекций #LRCO-NFT  Alien Planet 👽 и наша команда на стадий разработки чтобы каждый держатель из коллекций Alien будет несомненно получать дивиденды в LRCO от "Luxury Royal Coin LRCONFT " в течений 10 лет , те кто уже приобрёл ALIEN а на один кошелёк можно максимум 3 Alien , держатели Alien Planet несомненно будут в крупном выигрыше без исключения каждый. Друзья тут NFT Alien выставленна коллекционное ка что будет приносить вам как майнинг доход на LRCO после листинга , кому достанется ❓👽🤩 делайте👇 ваши ставки ⚖ Alien Planet LRCO-NFT #NFTDreams #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #ETHETFS $BNB $MATIC

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