★There is such a person in the cryptocurrency circle. Some people say that he is a madman. He is very lucky and happened to catch up with 519, so he can ignore money and spend lavishly, creating a legend in the cryptocurrency market. Some people even call him a "genius". He makes an average of 1,500 transactions a week, except for eating and sleeping for 5 minutes. With a leverage of 60 times, he made 40 million from 1,000 yuan, once again refreshing the miracle of the cryptocurrency circle. Some people also say that he is very pitiful. He has no parents' love since he was a child, and he was beaten by his father and cheated by his brother's girlfriend since he was a child.

★Entered the cryptocurrency world at the age of 17 and became a legend

When most people were still in high school, he used his father's ID card and bank card to open a currency trading account for himself. That year was 2020, and the currency circle encountered the 519 incident. Liang Xi used a hundred times leverage to make his money from 1,000 yuan to 20 million. In this circle, there are too many monsters and demons. As the saying goes, those who sell pyramid schemes will be afraid of us. And he became famous in one battle that year. His net worth has increased tens of thousands of times. No matter how the outside world evaluates it, I still think that it is not easy for a young person to achieve such a great success, especially in this circle.

★Good character

No matter what, Liang Xi is a kind-hearted person. It is common for him to send thousands or tens of thousands of red envelopes to fans. When it comes to donations, he will not hesitate to donate millions of dollars. Some people may say that Liang Xi does not take money seriously at all, but I think that Liang Xi was born in a very ordinary family and is not a rich man, so he knows the value of money. However, he will never be soft-hearted towards those black fans.

★Pathetic, even miserable situation

He doesn't have many friends. As mentioned before, at the beginning, his bank card belonged to his father. He didn't have a good relationship with his father. Later, he kept blowing up his positions. He asked his father for money, but his father refused. So later on, a "father is kind and son is filial" played out. He scolded his father and his father beat him. His love life is also quite explosive in the cryptocurrency circle. His girlfriend accompanied him to drink and let him play. He also asked fans to support his girlfriend. He has a lot of fans, but also a lot of black fans. Although he and the black fans scold each other on the surface, he wanted to end his life many times. His life is very painful. He was cheated of money by his eldest brother, beaten by his father, and cheated by women.


In the second half of 2021, Bitcoin began to rise, but Liang Xi's position was liquidated due to misjudgment. Then, the position was liquidated continuously and owed tens of millions of debts. In 2022, Liang Xi borrowed money from many big names in the currency circle. In October, Sun Yuchen and Huobi founder Du Jun announced that they would give Liang Xi 50,000 US dollars unconditionally to let Liang Xi open an order on Huobi Live Contract, which attracted many people, but not long after, the assets bottomed out. Then, there was the pesticide drinking incident.

★Liang Xi's self-narration:

"I sleep less than five hours a day. I have never done anything the best, whether it's sports, games or trading. I don't have any talent, but I work harder than anyone else. When I first entered society, I lost money playing contracts. After I made money, I slept less than five hours a day. Many people think that I rely on luck, and the money I earned by luck was lost long ago."

(Pay attention to new strategies and don’t get lost in investment)

"I saw people laugh at me, saying that they have been playing for a few years but are not as good as an 18-year-old. I felt sad when I heard that. I am only 18, but I live like I am 40. I don't sleep every day. I have paid a lot."

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