This round of rotation of the AI ​​section looks like it will generate hundreds of times the coins.

Wld shouldn't have much potential. There are too many coins that can be diluted. If it rises to 50, I may be tempted to go to Hong Kong to get the coins certified. If it is widely spread, there will be a lot of certified coins. The current currency value has already attracted people. pupa.

agix has hit a new high, followed closely by fet

arkm, who was originally the son of wld, is now leading the trend.

This year’s bull market theme, I think, is probably AI

Everyone, be careful when shorting, wait for the low position when going long, attack with more points, and withdraw based on the situation. I believe everyone will have a satisfactory harvest.

Even wld is still in this situation, and it is still rising. Other ai coins are hitting new highs repeatedly. The market for making money in the ai section has arrived.

I guess there will be another big wave of craze to come.

Let us rise in the great craze

We can laugh about the next bull market

toast cheers

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