Bitcoin is leaking like crazy, bankers may become high-ranking takers

The reason why this currency cannot fall may be different from what everyone thinks.

It was originally expected that at the 3.18 meeting, AI would rise sharply, and the bookmakers would complete the accumulation of funds around 9.5, and they would wait until the time comes.

Now the pie suddenly wilts

It can be said that it has driven the entire copycat trend.

The pie has been having downward pins for the past two days, which means someone has been selling the pie.

This bull market is not a bull market at all, but ETFs, and institutions are buying them

mstr issued bonds to buy coins, and Bedele entered the market with huge sums of money. They stepped on the left foot and the right foot, constantly buying coins to push up the stock price, and then borrowing money through convertible bonds to continue buying coins. Sooner or later, there will be a thunderstorm, but will there be a storm in the end? To themselves, we don't know.

The current trend of the big pie is that there is no successor. Once institutions can no longer buy it, the bullish situation may turn into a bearish situation in a matter of seconds.

The bookmakers who have suffered from these altcoins really thought that the bull market was coming, and took retail investors to rush together.

Today’s pie is in crisis

Instead, the altcoin dealers took over the market at a high position and pulled the market against the trend, but the effect was not satisfactory.

When the pie opens into a waterfall, we can watch the dealers trying to pull the deal. How many takers can we deceive? It’s important to save our lives.

This is the current situation

Again, if you don’t buy it, I won’t buy it. Sooner or later the dealer will take over.

This kind of garbage coin will make the dealer vomit blood if no one plays it.

No matter how high he pulls, he still can't draw blood.

Nowadays, any copycat that goes against the trend should think more about whether it is dangerous (laughing)