During the last bullrun, there were several projects focused on GameFi tokens that skyrocketed. The most famous one was surely $AXS , with phenomenal gains and made some people quit their jobs to play Axie. That was a nice way to earn some money back then, but it didn't last enough time for most people to actually earn enough money, so they didn't need to work anymore. But those that entered early in the game did earn some money.

What I'm trying to say here is: we're at the very beginning of the next bullrun and many people are talking about AI tokens like $WLD or $AI . If they are good investment or not is up to you to do your own research and find out, but keep in mind two things: AXS and several other projects that followed the success of this token that were nothing but scam, like CCAR and many others.

Therefore, do not blindly buy any token just because it's an "AI token", especially if you're outside Binance. It may be a scam (rugpull, honeypot, wallet drain, or some other) that will steal all your money in the worst-case scenario.

Remember to take preemptive measures to safeguard your Binance account, which I've already posted. You shouldn't have problems with scam projects here, but scammers are everywhere nowadays.


